So I got these 2 new fiddler crabs but I don't know the name of them yet. I picked them up at the pet shop by my house but forgot to ask what they are called, oops. They are going in my brackish water tank; I already have two fiddlers in there but they are regular brown ones so its a nice change. Just thought...
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Oh so the crabs are called Singapore fiddlers apparently.
Okay seriously the picture with the clothespins is priceless!

Ever heard the term "I'm gonna break my foot off in your ass?" I was thinking about it and I'm pretty sure the person with the foot in their ass is getting the better part of the deal. ARRR!!!
Hey I just got your message....so you live in Tampa too. Can you get me a discout at Petco? wink

What do you like to do for fun here?
Steal your ideas...haha. The sneaking into hotels thing sounds fun. You seem pretty awesome.
So I was thinking; since whether we like it or not people are going to use rabbit fur for coats, so I've discovered a way to save the lives of some rabbits and let them have their fur. Breed rabbits with Shar peis; you know those dogs with alot of extra skin? You could have like 3 rabbits worth of fur on one rabbit! Just...
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So it's been winter break for awhile now; actually nearing the end of it I fear. Work has given me no respite and I haven't enjoyed any of my vacation from school yet save christmas. I have the next three days off from work at my request and I'm going to use them to relax and get myself together for another eventful and stress filled...
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New pictures: Assorted.

Enjoy smile
Went to Megacon last Saturday, it was great as usual. I saw a <i>really</i> good Cloud from advent children, and there was also an Electro with tasers on his finger tips , that was cool. I went as Jin and my friend went as Mugen, we put alot of time into the costumes and it paid off. We were given alot of compliments and alot...
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Happy Birthday! smile
You are welcome! I hope you had a great birthday! smile
Went to FetishCon all weekend, in Tampa, Florida. Met some really interesting people and learned a lot of great stuff. I picked up a pair of leather cuffs from Leather by Danny, they are sturdy leather lined with a furry material, very comfy. I also picked up a shocker from toystoysonline that thing is fun even out of the bed. Anyone else go?
so i havent really done anything interesting in the last week or so, i went to Megacon (anime/comic book convention) you know, where all the cool kids hang out. well i happen to like that kinda stuff so tongue
So i went out partying Firday night. Some friends and i got a hotel (since im under age) and got really drunk. in fact, i was hugging the toleit a bit. but so was another. No good mixing alcohols. anyways that was fun. The next night we went to the local showing of Rocky horroe picture show. It was lingerie/ pajama night so i went...
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kiss kiss kiss

My peice of crap is a gateway.