About a year and a half ago I decided to take on a new challenge, unfortunately what we call Covid and pandemic got in the way of completion.
I think the time now has come for me to once again rise up to this challenge.
So, starting Monday I will be taking the Exodus 90 program (or rather an atheist approach to it).

This means...
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@gunflower @lioncourt Thank you for the support :)
Damn dude, that takes some stones! I'm pretty sure I'd be fired by my employer on the spot if I attempted that since I work in telecommunications and am often on call driving to the middle of nowhere at lord knows when at night.

I thought it was time for me to join the 21st century so got this nifty kit with everything I need to get started with hydroponic gardening. Lettuce and basil will be the first seeds to grow.

Do you plant seeds in the spring?


Last time I did this was a few months ago and then I used the same questions as everyone else. In this updated version there are only 15 questions instead of 22, but they are my own.
Enjoy :)

1. How often do you make your bed?
Every day :)

2. Can you whip up a spaghetti carbonara from scratch without a recipe?
Yes! I...
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Can someone please explain the onlyfans site to me? Why don't you simply post on this site?

Cause on onlyfans you get money

I see that many of the women of SG answer these questions, so thought it would be fun to do same even though I am a man :)

1- What food do you crave? Fingerfood, like tapas/meze and so on (what is it called in your country?)

2- Can you swim? Yes!

3- Can you whistle? With my lips, yes, although not so well. With...
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I do not want to live, so why can´t I just fucking die?

A masters in biology that's why!

The secret code of life I´ve seen

So I´m waiting for the arrow of Katniss Everdeen.


Irregardless! Ex-boyfriends are just off limits to friends. I mean, that's just like the rules of feminism! Picture Quote #1