The Art of Inane Conversation

it would appear that i just don't know how to talk to people. i'm sort of temping at the minute and last night i had to work with this 17 year old kid. revelations galore! is inane conversation better than no conversation? is it better to say something useless than nothing at all? i don't understand why she would want...
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ohh! i love diddling.
Sunday is still MIA.... it would seem she is still recovering from her birthday... Stay Tuned for up to the minute news coverage. - robert ARRR!!!
housewifin' it today and i'm all hepped up on sugar and the scent of cleaning products

these are some of my favourite websites, i hope you enjoy them:

vintage photography

vintage dresses in the uk

vintage hairdos

femme fatales

in other semi exciting news, it's my birthday in a week
Do you know about this?

I used to live in London and my precious wee A1 is shut. I am inconsolable. The New Piccadilly raves on, thought. Hooray.

(Go on, say it, "WTF?!?!")

[Edited on Feb 16, 2004 6:27AM]
for you sweetie, a whole toe.

i just wrote this whole entry and because i have so many stoopid windows open at once, i lost it cause i clicked the wrong thing on the wrong window.
this is how it went:
big fish

slept through it

liked what i was awake for

oh shit what's happening!?

oh okay, it's just an instant message

then i ranted about the mister's ex who...
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I know the feeling... I considered it a milestone when I was able to work up the courage to ask the bag boys at the grocery if they'd carry out for me.
Kathy Acker?
I'll look into it.
my printer is spitting out random bits of paper. all i asked it to do was print one letter and it's freaking out. maybe because it's so early. actually it's 10am, so not early at all but i'm used to getting off work at 11pm and sleeping late so i'm letting the printer off this time. in other computard news, there's something evil living on...
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Yeah, I got that homepage problem. I stopped using MS explorer it got that bad. I also got the new WORM virus that opens one of your ports to outside users and lets them use your email servers. Subsequently, I have received many a nasty email from big companies like eurosport and royal mail telling me that I tried to send them a virus. It wasn't me I tells ya - I'm innocent! Anyway, they shut down my email accounts frown
About the wallet returning thing... you're a rare breed seldom seen in the world today. But you should do unto others as you would have done... I guess.
i'm going home on tuesday to paint my mum's living room. she talked me into it earlier on the phone, promising some kind of foodstuffs in return for my ability to throw emulsion around at a great rate and said she'd give me part of my birthday present seeing as i'll be there. i almost blurted out that hey, i could come paint the whole...
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Well, it's actually that I had more regard for the people in the cars around me than I did for the cake. I still wonder how it got there though.
25th hour was one of the best flicks i've seen in awhile.
strait up n shit.
time to play spot the quote, kids. this is an easy one and informative one:

'Every day, St Catherine of Siena would whip herself three times. The first whipping was for her own sins. Her second whipping was for the sins of the living. The third was for the sins of all dead people'.

this is the woman, the saint i was named after. i...
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i recognise those eyes.

well if it isn't miss sunday! i had no idea you were on sg biggrin
so we went to see the last samurai on sunday night and goddamn it was good. i am fully prepared to hate tom cruise films at all times but it was breathtaking, even the bookending worked perfectly, which is a difficult thing to do without seeming sentimental. actually it's fully okay for that film to be sentimental. i was actually sitting forward in my seat...
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yeah!! arghhhhhhhhhhhhh

and last samurai was pretty good, specially da part with the ninjas, u know i loves me some ninjas
Ok, I will take your word on it & though Tom cruise has never done it for me I will check out "The Last Samuri". Now you must go check out "BIG FISH" w/ Ewam McGregor.......it was a bit bizarre but so well done. Different yet charming.......I do hope it's out in England as of now. You'll enjoy it, I promise!
Good day luv~
Please let me know when you see it as I will let you know later this afternoon if I wasted $10.00 on a Tom Cruise flick! wink
so the shop was sold out from under us

which gives me either three weeks to find a new job or two weeks to find a new site

i knew i should have asked for faith in the universe as a decent place for crimfest

and i knew i should have made that new year's resolution to be more pious

these asshole architects came by...
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.. frown

oh dear.
A said day for architects...I promise never to do that.
work was fun last night, i had plently of visitors which is always much appreciated. especially when they bring lollipops. my boss came by after closing to take me for a ride in his big red sports car (this isn't as dodgy as it sounds, i promise) to look at new sites for the shop because it's pretty much a given that the bank is...
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Hi sunday!

I'm here to say Hi!


Every year without knowing it I have passed the day
When the last fires will wave to me
And the silence will set out
Tireless traveller
Like the beam of a lightless star

Then I will no longer
Find myself in life as in a strange garment
Surprised at the earth
And the love of one woman
And the...
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Beautiful poem. biggrin
and if you like poetry postings... check out CubistPoet he has some impressive work

welcome to SG biggrin
very nice
taking the xmas tree down today so no more pine stench, yay! i actually couldn't sleep last night, cause being a lazy bugger i had left my pajamas on the living room floor at the foot of the tree, and when i put them on again at bedtime they fucking reeked of tree.

so off come the baubles and uneaten candy canes, the tinsel and...
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seriously, you'll be smothered with affection in SGUK and forced to come out for drinkies. they are very active, and chummy.

im the least pleasant person there, and i'm as gentle the beat of an angels wing!

argh sorry, yeah, Nics gonna come and vet you to make sure not a stalker, or a robot in disguise.
i'm reading 'a handful of dust' by evelyn waugh right now, and feel it's only fitting to include a quote from what's preoccupying me in m'journal: 'Poor people use certain expressions which gentlemen do not. You are a gentleman. When you grow up all this house and lots of other things besides will belong to you. You must learn to speak like someone who is...
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I define my femininity by who I am much more so than by what I wear, and I realise I'm relatively atypical in that. I consider the way that I shake my hips to be where my feminine nature comes from, and not what I wear on them.

The first dinner party in my new home went incredibly well. The midget chickens were divine.

bok biggrin bok
eeewie, that is not delicious.
