wow it has been absolute ages since i've been on here. i miss it terribly. let's see what it new in the life of moi? well i got a new position at work. i made the transition from hostess to server somewhat smoothly. i still kinda suck. no lie. i have been dating a guy for about two months and i think i may have...
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so its def been a while...im still at my new job and absolutely loving it. moved out of my parents and in with my great grandmother but got asked to leave b/c shes lived on her own for too long and cant handle worrying about me...so back in with my parents again. not around too much due to an amazing boyfriend (that recently broke up...
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back in my parents house..not staying long. they keep hinting that they dont want me here, not that its exactly my ideal situation either, but in any case not being wanted is not a pleasant feeling. it would have been nice of them to tell me before i moved all my shit here but whatever they've never been upfront with me...as soon as i can...
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Years ago my mom pulled the same thing on me. Even after I tried my best to be up front and find out where she stood on the situation. Parents can really hard to figure out. The think They will probably let you stay as long as you need. They're your parents. Good luck with the new job. I'm still looking. Wish me luck. Glad yourdoing ok.

ooo aaa love
That's a shitty situation. Least you have a light at the end of the tunnel.
Hope you like the new job. Work can be a great escape from an uncomfortable home life. Was for me for a while.
im moving in 3 weeks...wow so soon

and i got a ticket to rockfest!!!! i cannot wait

anyway thats all i got

Who's playing?? ooo aaa love
Wow, great news. Congrats
so happy easter everyone...i've got a hot date with a pan of brownies and the tv. maybe a lil ten commandment action but i dont wanna get too crazy so im not sure yet. (im jk btw). it really sucks being a broke college kid who cant even go home for a an easter egg hunt. needless to say my brother will not find the...
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HappY Easter to you also. I think I am going to watch scary movies and drink. My girl and I just decided to not see one and other anymore. It sucks. The long distance thing was just to hard.
Sorry you couldn't go home. You can always do a hunt with friends that could be fun. Get the plastic eggs and put fun stuff in them. Might be to late?? Have fun either way. ooo aaa love
i am not liking the way this years ncaa tournament is going. almost every single game has been super close....which i suppose is good in a way but im kinda over the nail-biters. i think it gets quite old. and i am not happy that my jayhawks lost...or that unc is going to lose here in a minute. but anyway thats enough of my complaining...
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I have a hard time staying up with March madness. March has so many b-days and stuff going on. I am sorry for your misery. blackeyed
thank you. Makes me feel a bit better. And i KNOW she isn't really happy with her new guy, which is part of why I'm trying to hang on...thank youfor what you said. kiss
break was good...wish it wasnt over. im free of my wretched 2nd job. im beginning to think its going to mess up my finances but i shall figure soemthing out. i never got my date back home but i did get bitched out by a girl claiming to be his girlfriend. but she's not so its ok. well thats about all i got....have a fantastic...
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so i leave for spring break in a couple days. im so excited. i have a date when i get home. love *sighs* we've liked each other for ages but we're really good friends so we've been going thru that "is it too wierd?" thing for a while. and now all of a sudden he's taking me on a date. i cant wait. i havent been...
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Ok guys I need some help...not sure how many people have first hand knowledge on this particular subject but I'm hoping I get lucky. So I really want a surface cleavage piercing but the more I'm looking into it the more I'm finding out that it is really suseptible to rejection and that in order for you to have a good shot of keeping it...
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so life is amazingly boring lately. especially nite time...my insomina is at an all time high. i stay up all nite and fall asleep between 11am and 4pm depending on my work shedule. its not too bad but it really interferes with oh i dont know everything that cant be done in the middle of the nite. which is pretty lame....i've decided that all things...
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