(So, I call this girl I met at the last screening of InZer0 because she showed an interest in helping out, I leave a message, about 9:30 she calls me back and says she would like to but has to check her work schedual, we continue to talk 4 hours later I know her life story at don't want to hang up but decide I'd...
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So, I call this girl I met at the last screening of InZer0 because she showed an interest in helping out, I leave a message, about 9:30 she calls me back and says she would like to but has to check her work schedual, we continue to talk 4 hours later I know her life story at don't want to hang up but decide I'd...
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thank you for commenting on my set.
tonight, the InZer0 halflife party, thats right we are half way through ep 6 is shot. See ep 5 on 9/5/06
Thank you for the lovely comment about my set! kiss
InZer0: Ep 6 is in the can, as they say, and we are diving into ep7 which is our halloween ep and we need extras to play zombies. if you are interested send me a message and i will give you more info.
InZer0 Update

Shooting ep 6 first weekend in Aug 4-6, we are looking for extras male and female, I'll have detials soon message me if you are interested.

Also, we are screening eps 1-4 on Aug 1 at 7pm at the Main Art Theater, message me for Tickets!
I am so glad you enjoyed the new Alexsandria Shoot. Check out my journal for behind the scenes.
thankyou for the comment on my newest set xx
Not much goin' on, Spent yesterday at Sliver Leaf Ren Faire in Battle Creek, MI. Ep 3 of InZer0 screens tomorrow. thats it for now.

Ep 5 is shot, mostly, diving right into 6. Pirates 2 was great!!!! yea i know still no real pic, it's coming.
i'm glad you liked my set.!
it means a lot.
Finally home from a great holiday, 8 hr drive home took 12 that sucked, but otherwise good time...

ALSO, FRIDAY PIRATES 2! ARRR!!! ARRR!!! ARRR!!! ooo aaa ooo aaa
Going out of town Sunday morning, won't be back 'till Wed, 3 day no phone no comp, it will be GREAT!!! except for the whole no SG thing but I got the gf, next best thing, right???

ALSO!!! PIRATES 2!!! 7/7/06!!!! I'll be there will you? ARRR!!!
I was nothing more than an almost innocent bystander.
that's usually how it happens.

Thank you kiss