So... I've been anonymously reactivated.

This makes my Conspiracy Theorist Senses tingle. And not tingle in a good way. I'm talking full-on Admiral Ackbar "IT'S A TRAP!" tingling.

But I suppose its not all that bad.
So... I just woke up about 30 minutes ago. Its 3:07 AM CST.

And I think I may broken my face. Ma meal ticket! Don't ask me how. Don't ask me why. Just know that I have.

I have no idea what the fuck is going on. When I blink it like causes my lips tp smack. Swallowing makes me sneeze. I'm making one...
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Faces were made to be broken.
The feminine-products section of every grocery store scares and confuses me. Lets get that on the table before we go in.

So my sister has been pretty sick the past few days. She's so tiny, I hate seeing her cough. It looks like she's about to rattle a part at the seams with each wheeze. And she horcks and gurgle like a champ. Never suspect...
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you are one bad ass brother - your sis will be eternally grateful.

here's the thing - now that i'm married, i have no fear of feminine products. they just *are.* wink

and whoohoo, a new friend! what brought you my way? smile
Hey, just a quick check in - got your friends request, and we hadn't chatted much before. I'm all for pressing the approve button, but I'm just curious what drew the attention?
I always seem to find something to even me out when I get pissed.

Good times.

Women are like Eigenvalues.

The complex ones leave you going in circles
The positive ones are unstable
The only stable ones are generally negative
And Double means Trouble

If you understand that, we need to talk.
Oh! Does this mean I can bring up the topic of eigenfaces? smile Math was never my strength. surreal Very funny link! *oh, by the way....* if you have read the Kushiel's Dart trilogy, then we do need to talk!

*Edited due to being technologically impaired* HTML is fun stuff.


[Edited on Nov 14, 2005 4:53AM]
where in chicago do you reside? i used to live there too smile
Bullshit. Period.

Hmm... If our administration would like to turn this into a trend of sorts, I am seriously worried about my opportunities for graduate school funding.

Seriously though. With all the "Grand Crusades" that could be undertaken by the Justice Department, why does it seem that Affirmitive Action is the main target? Why isn't war being waged upon institutionalized racism at corporate and federal...
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I imagine this was dreamed up in a back-room conference somewhere in Washington, where a bunch of spin doctors in suits sat around going "we need a new issue. We need a new issue! C'mon, what's a good wedge issue?! Wait, wait, it's coming... Let's hit affirmative action! Minorities already hate us after Katrina! We don't have ANY votes left to lose there! It's brilliant!"

Re: the racist joke thing -- what happens to me a lot is that I'll be the only minority in a small group of people, and somebody will start non-ironically cracking racist jokes, and eventually they'll get to Asian or Latino or Native American jokes, and then a light bulb goes off somewhere in the collective brain and people start stealing sidelong glances at me to see if I'm offended. It's hilarious. Because I can totally see that they're not sure whether I'm in one of those groups or not, and it would be too awkward for them to ask, so they just kind of sit there and squirm while I pretend not to notice.

It hasn't happened recently (not since I was working in Alabama, in fact...) but I was reminded of this when I watched the trailer to the new Sarah Silverman movie.
First I was really sad today.

But this made it all better.

I have come to a conclusion today:

All the world is a raucous symphony of insanity...

...And I am its conductor.
Nope. I suck at life.

It'll come back to me sooner or later, I'm sure, but I spent most of today spazzing that not all my review books had arrived on time, so there's not room for much else to get into my head right now.

Communist video game = the awesome. Forget the Soviet Union's surplus-shortage factories. From now on, I've got a new Best Example for state industry being out-of-touch with market demand!
The cultural impact of gaming on the development of cultural norms is quite integral. Animals realize this. Some of the less insane proponents of the ESRB rating system realize this.

Nothing is "just entertainment." Not even E! (which is an elaborate form of torment, I believe).
Forgot to share this the other day:

Last Saturday, I went to a high school band competition with the rest of my family. My sister and brother are very talented musically; my brother is rated as the #1 highschool bass guitarist in the state of Illinois, and my sister is the Lead Drum Major for a 150 member marching band. This is not central to...
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Dude what are you doing in the Weight Loss group? tongue

Anyway (and I guess I'll have to post this again on the thread since you're not the only one who asked), yeah, douching with Coke is one of those idiotic myths that you probably never heard about because you were never a middle- or high-school girl.

The idea is that you can't get pregnant if you douche with Coke right after sex because Coke kills the sperm. This is actually true if you do it in a test tube (no shit, Coke'll kill anything), but it does not work if attempted on actual people. And there are actual high-school girls who get pregnant because they are apparently too fucking stupid to figure this out, much to the chagrin and frustration of people who work with them. This myth has been around since at least the '70s. Somehow, people still believe it today.

I use the Coke-douche comparison for all incredibly moronic things that people believe because other people tell it to them, but I don't know that it's ever been spread on the Internet. A better comparison would probably be all those bogus penis-enlargement devices, but for obvious reasons I don't know too much about those.
Four cups of coffee would certainly explain the delirium, yes...

I had something else I was going to say but the Headache Monster just ate it. Meh. Well, you'll get more journal spam as soon as I can remember what the hell it was.
Ever feel as if you weren't made for this world? Is it you who is outside of time, or is it that the rest of the world is just stupid as all shitdamnhell?

I'm wearing:
Red Nike Socks
Green and White Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas T-Shirt
Black and Brown Akademiks pants
Tan Timbaland Boots
Silver Amitron Watch.

Am I being Anti-Establishment or Overly Commercial?...
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Ehehehe... we'll see. I have no idea right now what my schedule is going to look like for next semester, but it's doubtful I'm going to have much time to get up there. Doing another externship (wee!), so that'll cut into my free time considerably.

But you should definitely make an effort to go with Tigerwong and Cairo, at least once, just so you can say you've been and we can compare war stories. And I'll be dying to know if the lion-mouse guy is still around several months from now.
The lion-mouse guy was this skinny, kinda nerdy-looking guy in glasses with a little bit of a paunch. His thing was that he had to dress up in what looked like a cross between an animal costume and an adult baby getup -- felt "underwear" with a floppy tail hanging off the back, paw-shaped mittens, a bonnet with floppy ears and a ruff of choppy felt, and maybe whiskers drawn on with eyeliner (the club lighting was spotty so I wasn't sure about that part). The costume was sort of like a lion (tail, mane) and sort of like a mouse (ears, paws). Then he had to dance around the club dressed like that.

The disturbing part -- well, I mean besides the rest, so the other disturbing part -- was how clearly, uh, excited he was to be doing that. To me, at least, that was what made it cross the line from comical to kinda creepy.
Is the US Becoming Hostile to Science?

I don't know what to say about this any more. It just seems that at this time in this country, people are desperately seeking answers, and latching on to whatever readily assauges their fears.

On some levels I believe in a higher power than myself, or want to believe I suppose. And I could accept many of the...
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Hahaha, rants should never be faught with logic, so I'll just say LOVE JESUS YOU GODLESS HEATHEN, and be done with it biggrin

And if you don't love Jesus, at least love the Flying Spaghetti Monster: http://www.venganza.org/index.htm
Ah hell... I don't think I even KNOW 20 things about myself. Blame Liante for this unadulterated list of me!

1. I can't stand the feel of paper against my teeth, especially notebook paper. For some reason even thinking about it makes my eyes water.

2. From about 2nd grade until 8th I either won or placed in the top five of the Young Author's...
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You, buddy, are a bonafide Crazy Person.

I am also assuming that you will not in fact be around in DC, for which I say: fie! Fie unto thee! and will try to get pictures so that I can mock you with what all you missed.

But my camera sucks so I don't know if that'll happen. Hopefully someone else will have a better one.
Damn, you beat my SAT score by 20 points.

Did your grandmother's Toys R Us bribes leave you with a love of reading, or just a sense of cross-eyed frustration? What are you reading now?