My brief flirtation with being more artistic went nowhere. You may recall my recent journal about being less of a consumer and more of a producer. Using the artistic part of my brain.

Didn't happen.

What we do in our lesiure time depends on two things, our interests and our motivation.

I am motivated to screw around with computers and electronics and be, overall, very...
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hey, have fun yucking it up with the yokels in yokoyoko heartland, you Jagermeister of Irish guys you.

it's hard to alliterate with y's. i really tried to work 'yiddish' in there, but damn is it slippery.
you still check out the site?

For the record, I don't really remember posting that Steely Dan lyric. I think that means that I secretly listen to Steely Dan when I'm drunk. ! My appologies.

Well, I just made my contribution to Section 215 of the Patriot Act. Today I returned seven books to the library regarding privacy and civil liberties. I'm sure that my next trip on an airliner should...
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I don't care much for privacy, as far as I know, so long as I can still have some quiet time every now and then.

Of course, I'm the kind of guy that walks around his house without clothes on, so...meh.

I know my neighbors use my wireless connection. I know my roomate can easily see where I'm surfing if he wants to.
The police can know my interests, and the government can know my spending habits. I'm not really bothered. Yes, I do quite a few illegal things every day, none of which threats of punishment is going to change.

So long as my right to express myself isn't taken away (it may already be socially, but I'm talking about written laws), then I might get mad.
"No static at all

-Steely Dan
His birthday is tomorrow...April 5th. He'll be 30, whoa. That's just weird b/c I've know him since he was 24. Awww.
yes she has.

facking hell, i'm old. take me out back and shoot me.
The best hamburger in the world can be found at Five Guys on Fayette St. in Alexandria, VA.

Thank you.
I'll be sure to go sometime. Oh wait, I don't eat beef. confused
Anywho, what do you have planned for painbearer's birthday? He is turning 30!!
They have really good hamburgers. Have you tried Johnny Rockets. They are amazing!!! Yum, Yum! smile
Today, I went on a jihad for ergonomics. While working on that 137 page paper today, flames started shooting out of my wrist. I could no longer use the mouse!

Switching mousing hands was only a temporary measure. I went down to the store and found a delightful wireless mouse from logitec that seemed like it might suit my syndrome. But alas the store accepted...
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Work lately has been a state of quiet rage. I'm bored out of my mind. There are short, infrequent bits of excitement followed by agonizing hours of boredom and banality.

My job has endless tasks of TPS reports and meaningless paperwork. Mix that in with sanctioned fundraisers, awards ceremonies, last minute requests that should have come weeks ago and the everyday battle of delivering dialtone...
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Ha. I just finished a livejournal entry that sounded like yours, but with more bitterness and lame existential quanderies.

I can't seem to figure out what skills I need to acquire a job that I wouldn't mind giving 40 hours to every week.
sleep again
things undone

work, waste of thoughts





things never done.

-pb mad
it's that the way it always goes?
If you want to scare yourself silly, go read chapter 3 of PGP's Introduction to Cryptography. Phil Zimmerman goes on a bit of a rant, but it's worth it. Then, go to the library and get a copy of nineteen eighty-four.

You'll stay up at night.

Well, maybe not stay up, but it will make you think.
No, I haven't posted much lately. My life is pretty dull. (if you could see the rest of my picture to the left, you'd see the short-sleeves on that collared shirt. Thankfully, since that picture was taken, I've retired all short-sleeved collared shirts in my inventory. Having a fiance helps that.)

When I say dull, I mean lacking pain or grief. I have my hobbies:...
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For those mac users out there, you must go try Quicksilver immediately. You won't understand what it is or what it does until you start using it. Surfice to say, it will do anything you want in terms of manipulating OS X. These articles will explain more.

It's free and it's awesome.
I'm overwelmed.

By things I want to do right now. Books I want to read at this instant. The things I've been meaning to do, but haven't.

By things I want to experience right now. To be in the bed of my one. To be in a quiet room with an open window overlooing a wooded area with rain falling softly. To drive another shift...
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I need to read more literature.

Sure, the technical books I read are full of fancy terms like direct inward dialing and primary rate interface, but they don't inspire much creativity.

My writing is limited to the terse three-sentence emails that I volley back over the cubicle wall on a daily basis. I try to get out of the chair and talk to people....
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In this day and age, finding/making time for high-quality recreational reading and writing isn't always easy. You might find your journal here will be a good showcase for your writings. I've found that knowing there are eyes on it makes me push a little harder and I've been rewarded with great feedback over the past year. There are also many writing and literature related groups on here.

I haven't written much lately, but there are some larger pieces in my journal, some poetry, essays, and short stories that I'm pretty proud of.

The thing about reading is that I have to do it. Reality tends to suffocate me, fiction lets me breathe. I'm the sort that cannot live without legends.

The thing about writing is that I can't not write. There is something that compels me to, and increasingly so.