Guys, this may be a little confusing but I'm going to try to make it as clear as possible lol!

I was told after my surgery was done that he found no more cancer in my jaw so I just assumed that meant I was cancer free! I told everyone that I was and we were all celebrating and it was an amazing week. Then...
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Congrats!  Great news. 
That's great,congrats.

^^^ Very first professional photo ever taken of me. The beginning.

@missy @rambo

This is going to be an interesting blog for me to write. I'm not exactly sure the tone it will have because social media has done many great things, as well as many awful things.

I'll start from the beginning. That photo up above was for my very first SG set that
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A perfect FU for the haters and trolls! Remember, most only date their blow up girlfriends ;-) so talking ladies reallly confuse em. And Im enjoying your new channel! 
Lol so true @jaceun! haha Thank you!

So, I know a while back I told you guys I was deleting my old Youtube channel, which I did. BUT I started a new one to get totally away from the craziness I was previously dealing with. So, my channel is called Skully In Space. I'll post a popular video from it...

There we go... Anyways, I'm looking at getting more involved with videos...
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Def a pleasure to do so! And the Fuck off Minute 👍
The perfect rant I've heard all day that tickled me and you are right sometimes people should fuck off for a minute sometimes even longer. I checked out SKULL IN SPACE and it said no content on the page.

So, I've been going through a lot lately. Had some pretty major financial struggles for a few weeks. And after visiting the doctor on Wednesday and finding out that there is a possibility I might still need to go through radiation, I'm kind of in a low place.

Usually when I'm down, my go to is to change my hair. I've always been SO self...
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Super random but super interesting....  its good to do things for yourself and I hope that things work out better for you. Especially with the whole radiation thing x
Thank you! Yes it was really random lol... I'm still not sure how far I'm going to take it, or even if I will do my whole head or not, but I'm looking forward to change. :)

So HOLY SHIT i woke up yesterday morning to see that my set was up and I got so much love on it!!!! <3 You guys don't know what it means to me!! Big shoutout to all my new followers, as well as the existing ones who support me in everything I do!!!

I had surgery on Tuesday to make sure the cancer in my
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love it
I can't love this set enough

You don't! Stick 2 middle fingers in the air and keep being fabulous!!!

If there's one thing I've learned in my modeling days it's that people hate other people that have what they don't. Fame, money, cars, jobs, etc. Instead of working hard to get the things they want, they bash people that have worked hard to get to where they are instead.

Now, I
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Hey kiddo, stay strong. Unfortunately, some people feel you somehow "OWE" them when it is the reality that they owe you. If is just one of those slobs who take advantage of women to make a quick buck and when you back out, he feels you have betrayed him. If he had treated you right from the beginning and if he head his head on straight, you wouldn't be having these issues. He is just another victim of the Patriarchal system that has turned him into a  misogynist. Walk away with your head held up, don't sweat him and work on getting healthy. You are beautiful, strong and intelligent..keep it up!!
@gemman1 Thank you for your kind words! I actually ended up rethinking everything after I had deleted my Youtube channel and I realized, he is a very sad and miserable man, but that's him. That shouldn't effect me. I made a new Youtube channel and banned him on it. I will continue to do what I like to do because it's my life and no one else should be able effect it negatively! :) I'm feeling much better about it and because I came out with everything, now other people are feeling comfortable enough to come out with their awful experiences with him too. I'm going to keep rocking what I do and let the haters hate, because It's not realistic to expect everyone to behave! Lol 

Ok, so one of my last blog posts wasn't super positive. I was having a very hard time with things but that is going to change. Although things are still pretty rough I am going to speak positivity into existence! Wait...

First, I'm going to pour myself some coffee...

*grabs cup. Pours creamer into cup. Pours coffee into cup. Scampers back to bed in underwear...
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You're in my thoughts, girl! I hope everything goes well and you come out on the other side stronger than ever. Being put to sleep for surgery can be pretty scary. I had a big surgery about 18 months ago and in the hour leading up to it I was really frightened. But your doctors are there to take care of you and will make it their priority to make sure you're okay! Plus, they might give you a sedative before they put you to sleep... Trust me, it feels really good haha. When you wake up, you'll be taken care of, so don't worry about that. You'll be in good hands :) Xoxo
@verde You totally just made me feel a million times better! That would be awesome if they gave me a sedative beforehand!!! :D Thanks for your kind words!

So, I'm sick right now and laying in bed. My husband made me some tea and he shut the bedroom door, laid down and got comfortable. All of a sudden we heard a noise that sounded like water being poured onto the hard wood floor. Harlow (the dog) was out of her cage so I assumed she was peeing in the floor! My husband jumped
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That's awesome😂

More blog homework!!! :D @missy @rambo

There is one costume in particular that always comes to mind when I think about the coolest of the cool...

I had an ex boyfriend who's step dad used to go ALL OUT for Halloween. He ended up choosing one costume and sticking with it every year because it always won every costume contest he entered.


I remember
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Damn I'm legit disappointed! 😩 Maybe you'll run into a döppelganger someday!
Lol I can maybe ask someone what his last name is... I'll keep checking :D

I really want to be able to write out a nice, meaningful blog post tonight... but I can't because I have to go film. I wouldn't be filming tonight if this girl would have shown up, like a responsible adult, to the last shoot! *sigh* Coffee, coffee, and more coffee is in my future this evening.

I also won't be able to cam tonight due
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Best of luck with all of your filming
Thank you @oneimill :D