
What a sad sad waste of money this was

Quinne will haunt my dreams though

I imagine if I woke next to something that beautiful, I'd understand all those people smiling and being carefree
Tired of sitting home on a Tuesday night?
Like to bowl, drink, or both?
Want to meet some fellow SG members?

Than, I've got something for you!

Come bowl in Grand Rapids!

If you are not in the SGKalamazoo group, feel free to join.
Too lazy / shy to do that or still waiting on approval? We will be at AMF Comet Lanes on 141 28th St in Grand Rapids, Tuesday June 26th at 8pm. It's conveniently located a few blocks east of 131!

Got question? Post them in the thread in the group or ask me!

Hope to see you there!!!
Tired of sitting home on a Tuesday night?
Like to bowl, drink, or both?
Want to meet some fellow SG members?

Than, I've got something for you!

Come bowl in Grand Rapids!

If you are not in the SGKalamazoo group, feel free to join.
Too lazy / shy to do that or still waiting on approval? We will be at AMF Comet Lanes on 141 28th St in Grand Rapids, Tuesday June 26th at 8pm. It's conveniently located a few blocks east of 131!

Got question? Post them in the thread in the group or ask me!

Hope to see you there!!!
And what you all think is cold

Is the nature of my soul
Are you afraid to touch my soul?

Or are you writhing around wanting more?

because we both know I am

Imagine me in your dreams
unlocking doors with midnight keys
and fleeing a mercy in lunatic schemes
only to bring softer sighs to their knees

You will hear a sickening blast
catching even the termites ear
awaken wucikly and lets scurry above the past
and wink down at the poor eyes who tear in fear

Paralyzed yet sold
this is an...
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Couldn't stay away huh?
Peace Out SG

I figured out I can't actually talk to you girls, just look at you naked and marvel at you from afar

you obviously would never give two beaver shits about me, and why should you?

So I gotta bail

But then again, none of what I just said matters because no one will fucking read this anyway!

So in that case, I...
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Well, I read it. Too bad your time here will be so short lived. I know it does take some time to build up any real communication with people around here, and it can be annoying. If you were to chose to stay it would get better. If not, then best of luck to ya 'eh.
They'll talk to you, give it time... They're timid like stray cats. Or just bitches. Whatever the case.
Hoy es un da cuando un simple beso
resolvera todo, hacernos olvidar
el rio se ha secado y esto no es un examen
por ese agujero en mi cielo y esto no es un examen
nuestros campos y bosques estn en llamas de arrepentimiento
y a nadie has de culpar y esto no es un examen
los volcanes soplan alto y esto no es un...
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I takes um anyway I can get um...except for drunk.
I sleep soundly in grey, and second to shadow; Black is never home
with a stench smothering my senses, I reach for another cigarette
this is final error, a similie in context
sweaty seconds slip and wake me up
the ceiling a ghastly honor, hangs crooked above me
This is the definition of happiness
the gleam of social suicide
sits nude atop a rich brown...
Read More
I actually don't know anyone in real life called Dylan (or any other spelling of the name), but it's one of my favourite names. And there are an awful lot of good Dylans out there - Bob Dylan, Dylan Thomas, Dylan Moran, and Dylan the rabbit from the Magic Roundabout!
Welcome to SG, by the way.
T'what? It says that you're my friend. I don't need some website telling me my business.
There are many hot girls that like Mike Patton... look at all the amazing Japanese chicks he gets to tour with him. I will make love to all Jap noisecore chicks, that's a guarantee, fuckin' put a seal on it.
Do you like Estradasphere? Sleepytime Gorilla Museum? I assume that you're a SC3 fan already. If not, get with the program. Trey Spruance sold me a t-shirt a couple of months ago at that show.
So far, so beautiful! I'm lovin these girls!

Today I leave for the Windy City Chicago, I'm quite excited, and hoepfully in terms of beautiful ladies, it will be a good breath o ffresh air.

Take Care
Nice...Chicago is my home town. Until 5 years ago. It's still always nice to go back there. Hope you have a good time 'eh.
Hey everybody! My names Dillon and i'm very excited to finally be a part of this amazing website. Hopefully make some new friends who don't blare awful music and seem to have a cell phone glued to their head. Lets make some magic!
Thanks! and hey Dillion, and welcome to the site.
Welcome to the site. Nice to have another Patton fan around.