Just got back from minniapolis. Did i spell that right? Oh well , went to go and see BLS. Oh shit ya i said BLS .... Best show i have ever been to well right up there with alexisonfire. It was so bad ass zak is the shit. I though the show was over like 4 times. But no he kept on truckin. Like a...
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wow it's been awhile... hmm... whats been going on. Hmmm.. really nothing wow life is boring sometimes. Oh well got to get a real job and maybe it will be exciting again. Oh well i'm getting more tattoo's on the 26th ya 4 me. Are you excited i'm very hasxcited!!! biggrin Wow i was on bella my pages wow that girl is beautiful. When is it...
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wow its been awhile i'm pissed off at the world in general. Here i sit in canada where all people are worried about is money women and money. FUCK THE WORLD this is what we have come to as humans . I understand the money and jobs somewhere to go and make money so you can live. Yet i think more then half of the...
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Wow, works boring a need a new job. another exciting day in the life of me

Hooray a new friend ARRR!!! ARRRR
How went to see hostel i wasn't good. Good old rob zombie no one will ever top house of a 1000 corpes and the devils rejects miao!! I'm watching you miao!!
ya they rocked out hard i swear they play u2 better then u2. It was soooo good you should have been there frown oh well. It's go to see that your still kickin biggrin keep it real i hope well i guess i will see ya around frown miao!! skull miao!!
i totally shoulda been there!!! of course i'm still kickin', it'd take a for me to actually disappear..... i mean, you're one of the few people on here who can find me on msn.. and even fewer people who could possibly run into me while walking down the street of your hometown.....wink miao!!
I forgot Angels and airwaves there going to Rock!! and Plus44 i wish all of my favorite bands broke up and made better bands biggrin. I'm going to do a drawring of a suicide girl to. Tonight i'm not sure of who though any ideas anyone well ya thats it biggrin miao!! skull miao!! skull miao!!
Wow new years was fun . Good old shannons irish pub. The dust rhinos where the live band they rocked out. It was great. Until i got home and realized that my mom is still crazy lol. Oh well it time to move on and get a place of my own. I watched like 3 hours of inked today on A and E. Wow that...
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Hmmm ya it's 1:53 AM and i have been up for 1 hour and 53 mins this sucks mad i don't know what to do any more. I'm i just killing time ? For what though i need a career or go back to school of something. Maybe a second job that would be cool. But i need something to keep me busy all the time....
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