I'm outta here people. Not real happy with the site anymore, it got boring and trendy. If anyone wants to, email me. That would be killer. shadyvito@hotmail.com
Yer I've noticed a lot of girls that I personally wouldn't say fitted the original SG description but at the end of the day gets SG money and its a business...hope you all the best tho xx
Aww hehe thank you! biggrin kiss
I'm kinda sick of the site myself. The trendies have infultrated and this has gone mainstream. I came here because the girls were "real", now they are like a bunch of models. What happened to all the tattooed, pierced, pink-haired women? The new setup here sucks too, it's been made complicated. I hope the powers that be hear our cries of frustration.
At my job I hate taking tips. I can't explain why, but the few times it's been offered I tell them that if they call and tell the bosses that I did a good job, that's thanks enough for me. The tips are usually lunch money or coffee money. Today I helped out a nice lady and fixed her computer. When I was leaving she...
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I know what you are saying, "all this guy talks about is his kid". Well the problem is, I work, I go home and sleep, and then I work more. The only day that I don't work is on Sundays, that's for the family. Last Sunday was nice. We went to my mom's house and I took Bella skating and then she got to ride...
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Dude, that was so awesome I actually felt a tear come down my cheek..... she totally didn't know what was coming...hehe...btw, was that a hungry hippo game I saw? I didn't even know those things exist anymore...damn, I want one now..lol.
Awww, that was a cute video! Christmas really is cool with kids around. My son came over while I was watching that video and he couldn't understand why she didn't just dive in. I told him, she's just little, she doesn't understand how it all works yet. You could tell, in all his almost 7 years of wisdom, that he really wanted to help ... he was yelling, go in the tent, go in the tent!

Happy New Year! smile
I got an early xmas present from my lovely wife and daughter tonight, a new laptop!!! I'm using it right now. My old one was givin to me by a friend who I did some web work for. It was outdated when I got it so I was needing a new one for a long time. When I do graphic or web work on my...
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New laptop? Me jealous...me very jealous!
I actually have the day off today and the house to myself. The problem is that I don't know what to do with myself. I can't lay down and relax because I feel like I should be doing something productive and when I try and be productive, I feel like I should be relaxing. What the FUCK is wrong with me?!?!
You know what I can't understand:


What the fuck does that mean anyway!
It means the Flyers will beat the devils once again wednesday night, but come playoffs.....flyers=choke..... tongue tongue

what have you been up to my friend? smile
I got nothing. My life is a bore.
THANK YOU! biggrin kiss biggrin kiss biggrin kiss biggrin kiss
shit! what did you say to your mum? oh i met her on a porn site?? lol. no really what did you say??? biggrin tongue