Well, it's that time of year again... The Retail machine is shifting into high gear and the sensory bombardment of scents/music/advertising/lights/decorations/etc. etc. has begun. I was having lunch at my favorite Sushi spot and they were playing the local contemporary station. You guessed it - Christmas tunes. They've been putting up lights all over town for weeks now. It's sad that Thanksgiving is so lost...
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I am already boycotting Xmas. I hope my friends and family know. And I'm only boycotting because it sounds better than to say "I can't afford to buy people presents, period."

And dear God I missed pot...
Well, the weather in Houston has finally reached Autumn-like conditions. It's the only time of year when I can justify wearing a jacket. Otherwise, I feel like an idiot sweating myself into a coma.

So, my friends and I usually save ourselves the grief of trying to find the right gift for everyone else by getting together and pitching in on one larger gift for...
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Thank you.
Thats very sweet, but definitely not necessary. I think I'll probably be able to get a new digital camera after I start school. (mwahah @ school loans)
hah there's one in my wish list. It's really nice of you but not a necessary thing... it was just one of those things where if anyone ever felt compelled, I put it there you know, as it IS a WISH list. biggrin hah
So, I have a problem - SG offers a "Friends List" - being that I know absolutely no one else on this website personally I've been hesitant to request being anyone's friend. I did accidentally click the link once, but in my head it just seems odd to me to ask these gorgeous creatures if I can be friends with them before I know them...
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hey hey hey. smile
Played Trivial Pursuit last night with a friend - man I suck. But I guess that's what happens when you don't read anything but technical manuals for the past ten years. Oh well, they were both pretty close games.

For some reason, I woke up at around 5am - I guess I'll go take a shower and get started on building our new Web/Email server...
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thank you for the compliment on drake's set. it's always nice to hear from people who enjoy my work.
I had the pleasure of going to see an Aeros Game last night - it was nice to unwind a little after a week of insanity at work.

While not the best Hockey Game I've ever attended it wasn't too bad. The team has suffered some talent loss since the last Championship winning year but that's to be expected. Strangely, watching the game made me...
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Thanks for the comment on my set kiss
i really appreciate you being so nice to me. i hope i can pull through this.... it's just gonna take a lot of hard work on my side.
My head is killing me - I just wish I had an excuse like downing a half bottle of Messina Hof Port. No, I get to have a head cold.

Enough of my whining - I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys themselves immensely. Time for me to find some NyQuil and pass out...
i've got an ibook with 512ram. i bought it back in may.
1.33 i believe?
A friend of mine pointed out an enlightening bit of text from one of her favorite bands. The following is taken from the liner notes on the Disturbed CD. It's woven in and around all of the printed lyrics;

In an age of nothing, at a time when we stand at the brink of our own destruction - strengthen your belief in yourself, in the...
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thanks for your comment!
sun and moon dogs? haha. WHAT?
I posted a picture - crappy as it may be at least it doesn't make me look like a maniac as the previous attempt did. I'm a geek dammit... I'm not supposed to be photogenic. biggrin
Welcome to the site!

I like the photo.
Hey, thanks.
Well, I've started the clean up process around here. The world has changed a great deal for me - work is still good, if not a little busy. Old friends have returned to my circle, albeit somewhat changed themselves - or perhaps it's just my view of them that has changed.

My girlfriend of many years has finally moved into her own place and I'm...
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