My dream? It was about a man who hanged himself and he kepttaking over my body. Also, there were pigs corpses in it too.
yeah I think I am nuts. My dreams are usually intense and surreal, but never that intense and scary though.
It seems like everyone is happy with the way the voting has turned out, so allow me to break the monotony. FUCK!

What, you think just because I look like this I can't be educated? Do you think that because I seem to be "anti-establishment" that I have to just parrot the media-fed views people "like me" are supposed to have? Well, I have breaking...
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Boy oh boy, look at you mister malcontent.

You just don't like him because owning guns make you far too happy... XP

I personally think he is the lesser of two evils.

But I do think on some level a lot of people did vote on him based on race, reverse racism. After he was elected I heard people at my college shouting, "Welcome to the black house bitch"... Its just stupid.

I have heard some bad things though, wasn't he pro Prop 8? If so, that's pretty sickening. Have you seen all the big rallies going on in California?

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HSAtGmUSLZM&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/HSAtGmUSLZM&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Blah...this should work for what I meant to post previously:

and to elaborate...

Your really going to disagree with me on this, but personally I think that a lot of his opinions on arms are intelligent, I'm sorry but personally, I think if you cant drink at 21, there is no way that you should be able to have a lethal weapon under 21 (with exception of military), there should always be a background check, waiting period, and license to own and buy guns, I don't see how that's radical. I do believe in the right to protect yourself, but I think that includes protecting society from itself, there are some monsters in this world, and to not even to a background check or use common sense with age restrictions is irresponsible. Its just a sane precaution, sometimes the bad seeds ruin all the fun, but really, if your just using the gun to protect your family, for sport, or hunting, then why would a safety check be such a hassle, if it means preventing kids, criminals, and those who aren't mentally stable from buying guns, that really should only bother those who plan to act irresponsibly. I think thats partially the train of though with him banning cheap models, and old police models because it makes guns accessible in a much greater less discerning quantity, when owning things like that should NEVER be banned it should always be monitored and controlled for the greater good.

But then again, its just fun to disagree with you.
I've forgotten how to sleep again.

I'm almost always furious, but most of the time, I'm not even sure why. It's getting hard to keep track of all the things that are pissing me off.
Aren't you the cutest little "Mister Angsty Mc'gothy"

::pinches cheeks:

Nah, your still a baby, relatively speaking. I mean, I heard people are living to be 120 these days, so your pretty young by those standards aye? XP hehehe...

Yea, its a hard "gift" to top. I cant say it was exactly selfless in any way though, haha xp...

Hah, Oh boy, Is that how you keep your boyish good looks? By feeding on the "cherry" on your day of birth? Your Vampire Z, the hymen vampire!....If so Im like three years backlogged on supplying your annual sustenance of virginal sacrifices.

I think it might be hard to even find one over the age of 15. Oh I forgot, that's your favorite kind ;p.

Hehehe... its just too easy >_<.

Dont take me too seriously at all, I still just get a sick sense of satisfaction from being a brat to you.
::shakes head::

Your so bad...

Happy Birthday though mister.
(Insert interesting, witty, well-written blog entry.)
"America's Video Game Expo" [Nov. 21-23rd]

SG's one of the many sponsors and I decided I would finally be a apart of the "community" and do the merch. booth thing. The fact that we have consuls set up at our booth to play on all day didn't hurt.


I tell you because its in Pennsyl-tucky, like you XP.

Ya gonna come, ya gonna come?
The message I left you was so epic. xp. I got into writing a reply because apparently I still hadn't "answered your question" but three papers made me realize I was procrastinating.
Who the hell is Satan and why I gotta be 'em? I ain't worshipped Nathan, so why you gotta see 'em? When you look at me is it the Imagery? It's gotta be godly evils not my energy. I pose as angels clothes is mangled, instead of girbeaus and kangols. The ho's still dangle I chose the angle of souls who tangle with foe's those...
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Hah, I liked the ending.

"cause I talk backwards (suseJ evol I)."

Wittle perpetually misunderstood mista Z feeling misunderstood? Seen as evil when he's just human who is neither completely good nor bad by definition, flawed, falible, subject to weakness.

I have to say though, it took me a while to realize that, with you in particular. Only it was in the opposite, I went from thinking you were a god, with uncompromising morals and will to thinking you were one of the most corrupt people Ive ever met, and its only for having had thought of you so highly instead of just putting you on the same level as everyone else because your only human. Wow...that really wasnt what this blog was about probably, but I got on a roll there...you might have even just posted that too be silly XP

Hah, that guy with the pink hair who was chilling with scooby from that photo of the show randomly started talking to me online...it just clicked why he looked familiar, because of your blog photo, 7 degrees of Kevin bacon much.
I am logging in from a friend's house. I've been having some issues with my electricity for the last couple of days. Well, yesterday my computer exploded. Surge protector strips do not always work.

I also lost a TV, an alarm clock, and several lightbulbs. Yeah. Oh well, I am using this as an excuse to break into my "Escape PA fund," and buy myself...
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Sorry to hear about your explodie problem. Your dreadies are looking perdy though, I'm so jealous of them.

I helped Ty get a car, so he had a "home" and a way to have a job, and a way to see me more, and 3rd day he has it his friends convince him to drive them home when he's plastered and BAM! Destroys his new car (which ate the last of our funds) and gets arrested for a DWI. His bail is a grand and we currently have $0 in our bank accounts... so the lovely moron is kept there until trail. oi-vey
Time has developed a sort of fitful, jerky quality for me lately ... moving in inconsistent starts and stops. One long night of introspection will seem to last forever, and then I blink and a week has gone by. I feel like I am getting old.

Pretty soon I will have been single for a year. A whole year. Don't get me wrong, I am...
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You are so jaded...

Im not sure if Im 100% surprised or not at all that you've "lasted" that long.

Although you are pretty dependent when you want to be you have very high standards (in a sick sort of never attainable so always disappointed way). But it sounds like your just asexual lately, not even a matter of standards, which is healthy sometimes, but probably is perpetuating the loss of any last bits of usefulness you thought women still had. hahaha.

But then again, you could just be a angry old man... XD hehehe.

No, not open in the promiscuous way, open in the if I like a girl, and he likes the girl, and she likes us, (Im talking not just physically) we're "open" to the idea of a serious exclusive polygamous relationship. But its nearly impossible for the situation to work and our standards are really high, and we're not really looking for it either, just not against it. Really haven't changed in that respect, I was bi before I met you, Ive always found girls much more physically attractive then guys, I just only have the capacity to really "love" guys. if it wasn't for jealousy and insecurity I would have always been open to it, if you love someone and trust someone, and know they love you, and are fully aware and open about everything, its not a threatening as you'd think...but like I said not really looking for it or intrested, but since me and him already experienced it with our X girlfriend Kaitlyn for several months, and have a stronger relationship for it, we know its something we're capable of doing in a healthy way. I thought I got into this with you already though.

yea SG is a tad glitchy time to time

no. good call!

thank yew :]
I went out and did the social thing, with real live people and everything. Two days in a row no less.

I've been becoming such a hermit lately, just staying alone in my place, not going out. Honestly, I don't mind it at all. I spent enough time doing the "club thing" and the "scene thing" when I was younger ... I think I just...
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After joker sex:

So now that you clean, vacuum, do laundry, and make cawfey... your NEVER going to date a girl again. xp