i just finshed watching the movie "troy" and it by far the best movie i have watched this year (by year i mean the 2004 set of movies , we're a couple of months behind as far as it goes for new releases this year). it has just the right amount of action with storyline. it has it all, love, war, tragdey, revenge, etc. plus,...
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Because they had never seen an anti-brow actually heal. For a piercer to say that is is kinda scary.
thats fine hun, thanx for flipping it round for me smile
well the greatest thing happend tonight. first my section had a meeting with the company commander to voice any problems we had with the section. and all the complaints were about our fuckstick of a motor sgt. i don't mean little piddle shit about how makes us work and stuff. i'm talking about stuff that is downright wrong. i won't go into mainly 'cause i...
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way to go! you should be treated fairly and i'm happy to hear that things will be going better for you! keep up the HIGH spirit... it will all be over soon.

p.s. consider one burnt for you. wink
well it is finally 2005 and you all know what that means don't you!

WHAT! you don't know what that means!

well i tell you what that means!

it means i have lease then two months left in iraq. if that isn't a means to celebrate i don't know what is. now only if i could find something to celebrate with? *looks at bottle of...
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i'm sitting here with burning eyes at 3:05 am (local time) and what did i do new year's eve? i don't know. not that i was drunk or high or anything really (not by choice) it's just that it was so competely uneventfully that i don't remeber. um, i was going to say (type?) something else but my mind is muddled (is that is a...
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We actually have concrete barracks buildings here. We were in tents when we got to Kuwait, which is where we are going here in two months. We got our orders to go home. What part of Iraq is your FOB at? When did you get here?
I only have one on this computer. On my buddies computer back home I had a grip. The one that I have is two short.

P.S. Do you have yahoo messenger? it would be easier to continue this conversation on that. Mine is "usarmyfthood83"
for inquiring minds who want to know (which i suspect might not be that many). i added some new pics to iraq and (gasp!) a new folder (ahhhh, the small joys in life). wink
as it gets closer and closer to going back home it gets harder and harder to do anything. yeah, down at the motor pool i've always goofed off and everything but, i still got my work done. now i just build a fire and hang around it most of the time and look busy so they won't give me real work to do.

even after...
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hopefully you can get home soon and rest. and even though i am a scout... try not to slay me. wink
since it's starting to get pretty close to going back i've been thinking abit about school and getting back "into the flow" so to speak. the major i was thinking about was history ( my official major is UND). however my parents have bought a few houses (2) in stillwater for rentals. i was thinking about maybe a bussines major and work with my parents....
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it's starting to really cold here at night, like around the 30's. the wierd thing is that during the day it gets around the 80's.

oh, my god i can't belive that i awas just talking about the weather. i really need to get out of this country. puke
Thanks for the Buick comment heh, I should get it done by next year...And good luck on your Scout and remember when welding the floors take off the fuel lines wink heh. One of my friends lost a Scout that way that he was 98% done with. And 80's is nice weather though.
i started a bussiness class this week, it seems alright. i'm mostly just taking it for the transfer credits ( 3 ). i finally be a sophomore yea, it taken me oh about FOUR years.

go guard!

FUCK the guard

oh well, at least i've never actually paid for any of my classes

finally down to double digits till we get home!

well we've started to pack up some of our stuff that we have here, like tools and generators that we don't use and extra gear that we have. it's kinda coo to to start packing stuff and it sucks because i'm the one responsible for getting the wood boxes made that the big stuff goes in. plus they gave me a completion deadline, they should...
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