Summer flew by so fast...

Hi there, this album violates the SuicideGirls.com Terms of Service as posted here. We’re sure you meant no harm, so we wanted to ask you to remove this and any other pornographic content. Please remove this within 24 hours, or your account will be closed without refund. Please remember that nudity is only allowed from official SGs and hopefuls in most areas on the site!  For security reasons, we do not allow photographers to share nude images of models that are not verified on the site, as we do not have their consent to share these images.There are many other areas of the site where member nudity and pornographic content are allowed, mainly certain groups and designated threads. Use the search function on the Groups tab of the site to find the appropriate place, and please always be sure to take a look at the group rules before you post anything to a new group. If you have any questions, you can email help@suicidegirls.com - Thank you.
I fixed it I think. Let me know if this still violates the rules.