I love the little birdies, but HOLY COW these guys are eating me out of house and home!

Well, not really....but pretty close....

Gold finch. Bright yellow and black, these are wonderful little birds that flit and flutter around like sleek little jet aircraft. I have 3 finch feeders just off the front porch. I can't seem to keep them full. Each feeder has 6...
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awww cute..
Brunch in genrl is my fav meal,
it has the best of both worlds, Sweet and savory, then i wanna take a nap and guess what when i awake the day is still young.. thats what i love about brunch.
wink i know!
It's always the cookies. I think chocolate chip cookies will end up being the downfall of civilization.
They say more storms are on the way tonight. Iowa City got hit pretty hard with tornadoes a couple of nights ago...it would really ruin my Easter dinner plans to have my house blown away the night before! So I guess it's time to batten down the hatches again.

The last 3 days have been WAY above average temperatures....feels more like June than April.....nice, but...
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aw, i love that picture. the hat, the outfilt, the donkey behind you. it is sooo cute. kiss
you should start a one man band and walk to country road streets playing. sure the locals will think your crazy, but how fun would that be... biggrin
Holy crap!

It got up to 87 degrees yesterday! I couldn't believe how nice it was....absolutely glorious!

More to come later today....

Have you seen Maxi's new set yet?? Wow. eeek
You did not tell me. You are a man of secrets. wink
I love a productive day....when ya feel like ya got something done and had some accomplishments!

I had thought maybe I'd have time to get some photos taken this afternoon, but my limited time ran out before I got around to it....there is always tomorrow.

I would love to live somewhere, where the temperature is just like today, year around. Mid to high 70's, sunshine,...
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How was the popcorn?

today was supposed to be productive but you know, actually i'm anal about clean bathrooms so i should clean it now.

thanks for the love, i got your back. kiss love
Warm and windy....but where did the sun go?

So much to do...I'm slowly chipping away at it. It takes awhile to get things done when you really only have 2 - 3 hours a day to work at things.

It's so nice to be able to go outside and not have to think about a jacket or sweatshirt. I slept with the windows open again...
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I'm so grateful that the nice weather is here. It makes me happy! smile
Well cheers to coffee flyin' out your nose. I've had 2 cups of the good stuff and bbbbboooooiiiinnnngggg! I'm ready for some work.

I love sleeping with the windows open. Nice breeze through the night. It's peacefu. kiss kiss kiss and kiss for the coffee.
I miss silliness.

It's good for your soul. Well, that's a blanket statement that might not be true...let me rephrase that. It's good for my soul.

These days, I rarely have anyone to be silly with. I'm good at being silly, but being silly by yourself, just isn't the same....silliness takes at least 2.

I miss silliness.
I am a huge stocking/ sock fanatic. i have more stockings and socks than anyone i know. i even have a favorite site to order them and they get new stuff all the time. sometimes the legs and feet just need color contrast!
Don't they put people away for being silly by themselves?
I'm trying to decide what is the best word to describe sleeping last night.....I guess perfect would be the right one.

I went to bed around 11:30. 2 of 3 bedroom windows were 1/4 open, but not a breeze moving through them to flutter the curtains. I hadn't been under the covers for more than 10 minutes, when I heard the low rumble of thunder,...
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i love those kinds of sleep. especially when you wake up in the same exact position that you fell asleep in. it's rainy here today. but i'm not enjoying it.

happy friday to you. kiss
It is beautiful here too. mAllenfoto and I have the next 4 days off so we decided to walk down to a local Greek restaurant. It was quite lovely, very sunny, with alittle breeze. Perfect walking weather. kiss
part of the way, the rest he gave a piggy back, those are a must on these kinds of days.
OK....so I think I've figured out the watch thing from the other night. laceyglove gave me the clue.

2 words

alien abduction

It's the only thing it could be....makes complete sense. I was taken aboard a mother ship.....for reasons unknown and unclear....and they removed my watch, so that I couldn't figure out the time warp differential. Only, they forgot to put the watch back on...
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I hate when aliens take my stuff. They aren't too great about returning it, are they?
She knows me good and plenty. That's why it is cool.

It's about time the people understand about