I love a productive day....when ya feel like ya got something done and had some accomplishments!

I had thought maybe I'd have time to get some photos taken this afternoon, but my limited time ran out before I got around to it....there is always tomorrow.

I would love to live somewhere, where the temperature is just like today, year around. Mid to high 70's, sunshine,...
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How was the popcorn?

today was supposed to be productive but you know, actually i'm anal about clean bathrooms so i should clean it now.

thanks for the love, i got your back. kiss love
Warm and windy....but where did the sun go?

So much to do...I'm slowly chipping away at it. It takes awhile to get things done when you really only have 2 - 3 hours a day to work at things.

It's so nice to be able to go outside and not have to think about a jacket or sweatshirt. I slept with the windows open again...
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I'm so grateful that the nice weather is here. It makes me happy! smile
Well cheers to coffee flyin' out your nose. I've had 2 cups of the good stuff and bbbbboooooiiiinnnngggg! I'm ready for some work.

I love sleeping with the windows open. Nice breeze through the night. It's peacefu. kiss kiss kiss and kiss for the coffee.
I miss silliness.

It's good for your soul. Well, that's a blanket statement that might not be true...let me rephrase that. It's good for my soul.

These days, I rarely have anyone to be silly with. I'm good at being silly, but being silly by yourself, just isn't the same....silliness takes at least 2.

I miss silliness.
I am a huge stocking/ sock fanatic. i have more stockings and socks than anyone i know. i even have a favorite site to order them and they get new stuff all the time. sometimes the legs and feet just need color contrast!
Don't they put people away for being silly by themselves?
I'm trying to decide what is the best word to describe sleeping last night.....I guess perfect would be the right one.

I went to bed around 11:30. 2 of 3 bedroom windows were 1/4 open, but not a breeze moving through them to flutter the curtains. I hadn't been under the covers for more than 10 minutes, when I heard the low rumble of thunder,...
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i love those kinds of sleep. especially when you wake up in the same exact position that you fell asleep in. it's rainy here today. but i'm not enjoying it.

happy friday to you. kiss
It is beautiful here too. mAllenfoto and I have the next 4 days off so we decided to walk down to a local Greek restaurant. It was quite lovely, very sunny, with alittle breeze. Perfect walking weather. kiss
part of the way, the rest he gave a piggy back, those are a must on these kinds of days.
OK....so I think I've figured out the watch thing from the other night. laceyglove gave me the clue.

2 words

alien abduction

It's the only thing it could be....makes complete sense. I was taken aboard a mother ship.....for reasons unknown and unclear....and they removed my watch, so that I couldn't figure out the time warp differential. Only, they forgot to put the watch back on...
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I hate when aliens take my stuff. They aren't too great about returning it, are they?
She knows me good and plenty. That's why it is cool.

It's about time the people understand about

Today's journal will be something of a mixed bag...a hodge podge....without a clear and decisive direction, not unlike it's writer.

First, a puzzlement. Upon getting downstairs and starting the coffee this morning, I discovered that my wrist was without watch. Hmmmm....curious. I always wear a watch. I'm sure I had it on, when I climbed into bed last night. I wear it tight enough, that...
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You totally do have great legs! I am a sincere appreciator of a good pair of men's legs. And you, my fine sir, definitely have them.

5 days, 5 days! The magic number for you! Well, I hope your sinus lines and your water lines get all fixed up. That would be good good good.

Maybe, you dreamed of taking off your watch, and did so in your sleep?
i remember when i was younger, much younger, i slept with bajammies(not now) and i woke up to being just in my undies. i don't know how it happend. it was winter so it's not like i was hot or anything. hmm...must be those same guys who tried to take your watch.

hope you are well. kiss
I noticed awhile back, that despite having put on some weight over the last couple of years, my legs still look pretty good. Apparently the legs don't gain like the rest of the body? I've always had pretty good looking legs for a guy....not trying to brag...but I used to get a lot of remarks about my legs when I was wearing shorts on a...
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did you shave those legs?
Thanks, you too!

It's no big deal in the "real life" world anyway...
I guess I should update, but I really don't know what to say today......which can sometimes be a good thing.

You're cute. kiss

And dumpster diving isn't as fun if the trash is yours.
comfortable silence is a good thing!
I felt a little out of sorts yesterday....in both body and spirit. I have no idea why. Maybe I just needed to day to be a little grumpy or something.

I hadn't made meatloaf in a couple of years and was kind of hungry for it. So, I whipped up a big pan of it for dinner yesterday. Lots of leftover so.....MEATLOAF SANDWICHES!

Since I...
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Why do you feel old now? My Pops? smile
I don't think I've ever seen snow melt so fast. Once the sun came out yesterday, it was meltin' like a cat on a hot tin roof! Wait, that didn't exactly make sense....but I think you know what I mean.

It was strange when I went out to get the paper this morning, to hear all the song birds singing and to see all the...
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YAY for great new watches.

As for the weather, it's sunny but freezing cold over here. DAMN the weather! I never thought my skin would still be this dry in March! I really am chomping at the bit for Spring.
You could call it winterlike, but you can't call it a winter storm, since it's now officially spring.....so I guess it was a spring snow storm. It has finally stopped snowing, but alot of it is still blowing around. I'm going to wait until this afternoon to start shoveling and blowing it around. Looks like it dumped around 8 inches of the white stuff,...
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It's cold here too. A few flurries but it didn't even stick. i am freeezing my coo coo off though! kiss
consider it yours. shall i mail it to you?

it's like when it storms (rain) and like 5 minutes after the rain has stopped, the ground is nice and dry but there is still a faint smell of the summer rain.