Well its been quite a while. Summer has begun and I've been pretty busy. Working on the ambulance, working concerts. Trying to stay out of trouble. But trouble seems to follow some people, ahem. Anywho, things have been good. I know I haven't been on here lately. I rarely get on anymore. My subscription is coming up soon. I don't plan on renewing it. Not...
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when youre really tied up with life, and SG isnt around i can understand why youre not staying.

in my 3 years here ive seen a lot of people come and go, most of the people i was friends with in 2004 have long since left, but thats how things go here...

so ill leave you with this - good luck with all you may pursue in life.
Hey girl...
Sorry I've been out of the loop myself. I'm sticking around, but I would understand why someone might not. This place sure has changes, especially the girls and the sets. If I didn't meet so many friends here I see IRL I wouldn't be here at all anymore.

I'd send you my email but serious I can't even keep up with my family. I suck like that whatever blackeyed

Whatever you're doing I hope you are well and happy!
Best wishes! kiss kiss kiss kiss
Its about that time to update again. I have to say that things have been kind of crazy. Work is starting to pick up with weather getting warmer. Its warm outside & people start acting crazy. But I am glad weather is getting warmer. Its nice to see the sun shinning again & what not.

So baseball season has begun & the 1st month has...
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i am glad you are back...how's everything??? fine??? i want to go to a white sox game....any wild stories???
good to "see"you baby...take care...i missed you... kiss
and..happy birthday..
it really is nice to see spring come back, it has really helped my mood. maybe that and the prospect of school being done in a week.

having the truck break down and cost that much does suck, but youve got it back now. the other weekend i was at home when the parents bought their third pathfinder [first was from mid 80s to 1998, and second from 1998 to this year]. i was reminded that the water pump bursting in the first one a few weeks before it got replaced with the second one, and cost a few hundred to fix. either case it sucks when stuff goes wrong and it costs you...

PS happy slightly late birthday!
So spring is finally here. Thank God I was dying without nice sunny days. Its just nice to be out & about on sunny days. I went out to dinner last night with a friend. Afterwards we were hanging out at the park. Playing on the swings. I miss doing little things like that. It sucks when life gets in the way of the little...
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Yes, all is good. Thank you. kiss
Hey darling it has been awhile!

And then since I'm so behind on here, awhile on top of that...tongue

Life does get in the way...or rather work and obligations and chores get the in way of life.

Yes I am loving that it is springtime again...though with the mad pollen I have to limit my time outside and cannot go running outside (which makes me a little annoyed as that is a favored hobby of mine and treadmills feel so mechanical and robotic). But I am really loving the weather. I think winter was really getting me down.

I haven't watched baseball in forever. And that I've moved far from Indians country and into Braves territory I don't think I'll be keeping up too much this year.

Big hugs! kiss kiss
So it's the 1st of March. Spring is practically right around the corner. I can't wait for weather to get warmer out. So I've been busy working. I know, I know I'm a workaholic. But I'm getting overtime lately. it's nice cause, I've gotten more overtime in the last couple months. Than I had the previous 6 months before that. Work is good. Haven't had...
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overtime is nice, when work gives it to you, always a good thing.

relationships can be tough to really gauge...there is lots in my own life that i cant even gauge well at first, it takes time to settle in. in time answers become evident..
congrats on the relationship however you'd like to define it. just do what makes you feel good and happy and be open about your feelings and from there it'll just go wherever it's meant to go. that's my advice to everyone at every stage. it's just the being honest that is both tricky and necessary.

no i can't watch heros. no tv. well abc and cbs only. which in my mind is no tv. i watch csi and cold case and the other jerry bruckheimers but they don't hold a candle to law and order, the l word, colbert report, adult swim and all the other great stuff i'm missing. haven't seen one episode of heroes. sigh.

hope the money's good and the work isn't burning you out too much. and that you're having fun.
hooray for spring. for real. i can't wait. it can't come soon enough.

hugs! kiss
Happy Valentine's Day!!!

For those of you who have a someone. Hope you get some action tonight. For those of you who don't have fun going out & partying. Anti V-Day partying is always fun.

im just glad that all of the crummy holidays are finally over with wink
i went to an Anti V-day party with my new bf.
but then since he lives 4 hours away i had to spend Valentine's day alone.

but lucky for me i had to work anyway at the ballet. it was a tech rehearsal. but i still got paid to watch professional dancers from backstage. rock on.

and then the next day i bought myself half price chocolate.

what'd you do to celebrate lovely lady? kiss kiss
Well, well, well looks like da bears are heading to the superbowl. How exciting. Today's game was a good one. Talk about kicking ass. They steam rolled over The Saints, it was great. Oh, and what the hell happened to New England?

Alright enough of that. So I've seen some interesting stuff at work the past few weeks. For those of you who enjoy my...
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2006 started out in hell but got better and ended quite heavenly
so at least there was balance

did you hear yet about that hospital gig?

man you always have the wicked stories. i could never do what you do. it would make me cry forever. my mom went almost all the way through nursing school til she was put in an old folk's home and lost several patients and that was it.
i marvel how people can keep the sane view that they are helping people in the long term when given such extremes in the short term. you're amazing!

i wanted to leave you with a sweet superfans "Da Bears" dance but stupid nbc took it off youtube because they don't know the meaning of free advertising.
anywho i hope da bears kick major ass! biggrin

big hugs and lots of love!
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
hey babe..nice to read u....yeah..i left that group because one member.....anyway..thsi woman made a big deal about a comment i made...i said sorry and post what happened in my journal..then she wrote back that she did not care anymore for my apology because i wrote about in my journal..so she blocks me ( which is cool) and i blocked her..thinking i don't need this crazy bitch in my cyber life...so i decided..i am getting out of this group before this psycho makes a bigger deal..so a few weeks ago..i go..i was thinking..maybe she is not here anymore...i don't even remember her name..i found myself banned...can you believe this bullshit?
anyway...2006..the worst year of my life...2007 don't care too much for it...the whole bears thing is very exciting...it should be fun...work is fucking hectic..i see your is too..very interesting stuff...your job sounds exciting..interesting...
things are getting better here at home in the sex front...it could always be better..maybe i am too horny shocked take care baby kiss kiss
1st of all I want to wish everybody a Merry Christmas. If you don't celebrate x-mas enjoy your holiday weekend either way. I will be working tonight & the next couple nights after that. Which I really don't mind. It hopefully won't be that busy. Plus, I get to have dinner with the family before heading to work tonight.

Work has been good, can't complain....
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Happy New Year!! kiss
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (...early to say the least HAHA) kiss
Holy crap x-mas is already in a week. Time flies wayy to fast. Ummm, I have nothing else at the moment. Had all this stuff I was going to share & now I forgot.

hey baby..everything ok with u?..i'll be getting out of town in a few days...if i don't "see U" enjoy yourself..with whatever you celebrate...i wish u a happy new year... kiss
yeah time disappears like crazy...the holidays got away from me big time this year

i know this is the SG equivalent of a mass xmas card letter
but at least it has hot chicks to go with its sentiment!

sorry for the cookie cutterness but i'll get back for real later...like when my mom isn't here and i don't have to work tomorrow early...

hope you unwrap sweet delights this holdiay season...

and start the new year off with a playful, colorful bang...

or at least a pop...

but whatever you do don't shoot your eye out! wink

happy holidays and lots of love! kiss kiss kiss

So, I started a new post last night & decided I didn't feel like finishing it. So here I am trying to do another one. Well we head our 1st snowfall Friday. It really wasn't that bad around here. We got maybe 3" total. We did end up with no power that morning for about 5 hours. Since we have central air that uses electricity....
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power going out and being left in the cold = blackeyed

christmas parties where coworkers get drunk - priceless biggrin
Happy Belated Thanksgiving to all.

Hopefully everyone had a good one. Either spent with their families or with loved ones. I made a turkey, came out delicious as always. I do the turkey every year. It was a decent time. It was just my 2 brothers, a friend of theirs & myself. Mom is out in Mexico at the moment. Grandma's been a little sick...
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thank u baby... i am resting..saw the entire 4th season of family guy...isn't alcohol a bitch...i acted like a jackass too a few weeks ago....i ended doing something i will regret the rest of my life...anyway...it is nice to see you again.... kiss
two weekends ago - that was fun times with SGNJ, many drunk people made it an interesting event.

my family never has fights when we get together...id imagine for some others the holidays could be a time of intense conflict.