One thing that will never cease to stop bothering me, is that I will probably never know if there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. Space is so vast, it makes detecting planets even around the nearest stars very difficult. (Most extra-solar planets found so far have been detected indirectly using the Doppler shift of the star.) Finding oxygen in the atmosphere of a...
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You cannot stand up to us. We are legion.
ya, I just found out that one of the boys won't be moving in, I guess some of his fam is moving to the same town and he wants his own room. but it'll be ok....I kinda thought about a nose piercing, but I don't think that will go to well when I'm trying to get a professional job at a dealership...which reminds me, I need to work on my resume....I suck at it, but it needs to get done....I'll have to post it and have everyone read and critique it....that'll help... I kinda wish I had a piano, but I don't have any room for it, and they are heavy and not made to be packed from apt to apt...but I was thinking of getting a keyboard....if only I had money.....
*Deleted whinny emo post about loneliness*

I am feeling much better today. I just finished my final for Information Systems and Literacy at Metro and I sure am glad to be done with that class. I hate boring prereq classes. Half the time, I just wanted to shout, "I know how to use a computer, dammit!" Anyway, summer is here and I am happy. smile
Thank you so much smile
Glad to hear that you're happy - although, I wouldn't worry about writing emo whiny blogs.
I've done my share of those on here wink
I noticed that there is a near conjunction on the crescent moon and Venus tonight. It looks like the Islamic crescent and I'm not sure if that is beautiful or creepy. I guess I have a prejudges I need to get over.

In other news my I was helping my friend John clean out his shop, and he gave me a sitar that had been...
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I would stay if people started talking to me....But I realized that I would lose lots of pics as well.....how are you?
i noticed the moon/venus last night as well. it was a bit ominous.
I want to write about my mixed feelings about religion in this blog. For about a year, I have been on a long slide from being a christian to being somewhat agnostic. It's funny how you can change so much. There are several reasons for my fall from grace. First is my love of science. Much of mainstream archeology, astronomy, biology, geology and many other...
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Thanks so much... Just rough and painful times around mother's day, but I'll get through.
thank you so much for the welcome.

you're the first one to officially welcome me to the neighborhood, so to say.

sometimes, all anyone ever really needs is a hug.

*insert big cheesy internet hug here*

This time of year I get worst case of spring fever ever. It's like I'm going through Pon Farr. I can't stop thinking about sex and cuddling and romance and cuddly romantic sex. Suddenly, the idea of falling in love doesn't seem so naive to me any more. I think I need to find a girl that also has spring fever. biggrin
Hahah just sex for me thanks tongue
its so hard to decide on cars!

anyways, pizza place in lincoln = yia yias

i just LOVE being there.
The other day I just barely missed talking to one of the guys from Bright Eyes at the guitar shop in Benson. I was hoping to talk my way into free tickets, oh well. John is friends with Connor so I may get to meet him someday. I think his music is ok, but I mostly think some connections to some moderately famous musicians would...
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Rockoval said:

Zarth said:

laughingboy said:

chainlink said:
It did make me miss Uptight for a minute there.
Ahh, nostalgia.



Stop hating Israel, you anti-semite. wink

p.s. What happened to Uptight anyway, did he just disappear?

I'm not at liberty to say what happened to Uptight. But I will say that "facist" there was an in-joke.

Pretty hot colour for sure, but I'm not convinced it suits me.
Do people ever act in a way that really bothers you even though it shouldn't? Anyway I was talking to a cashier at the wretched world-dominating empire I used to work at. I explained to her how I am kinda-sorta related to Connor Oberst and I complemented the dye job on her hair. When she was done checking me out she was like "O.K., talk...
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Yup, ALL the time.
Working in retail, it's hard not to let it bother you wink
Yes, yes it is...

I'll be back at some point ♥
I just drank a bottle of Fat Tire and it was delicious. This is the first time I have ever enjoyed beer. I must just be too sophisticated for Miller and Budweiser! tongue
I didn't really care for fat tire all that much....My fave beer so far is Coors lite...I tried bud the other night, and it was incredibly raunchy...I've only been drinking for about a month, so I haven't tried a whole lot yet.... biggrin
Fat tire is gross. But not as gross as their 2 below (their winter seasonal, yuck) or evil evil evil busch light. What is up with light beers? UGH.

I'll drink it, but I'd rather drink old style, or bud heavy, or boulevard wheat, or amberbock, or... more old style. Or SOL which is the greatest beer in North America!!
Yesterday I tuned my first piano for pay and I got a check for 50 bucks. I'll eventually charge 75 like everyone else in town after I get more experience. I think I did a decent job for a beginner. It took me about four hours so I really need to work on speeding up.

In other news, I food an old Jimi Hendrix cassette...
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aww. blush
That feeling sucks frown