Yet another crush.

Well, I guess it's been a while since my last one.

Things have been really weird lately. I don't even know where to begin.
Start at the end and work backwards, might be more fun and with less awkward pausing. biggrin
Been a while since I've posted.

What's new? Not a lot really. My life is basically on auto-pilot at this point.

I've gotten to the stage where I am going out very little. I'm ok with this to be honest. Except when I don't go out, I don't take photographs. But, such is life.

I've been trying to quit smoking, it's going ok. I'm kind...
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its ok. im struggling a bit.
The blah's can come upon us like that, especially with all those outside forces acting on you. Keep your head up, even through all this it seems like you at least have the right idea for moving forward.

Quitting smoking is a bitch, I was never a heavy smoker, but it was still difficult and took some tries before I got there, still crave it every once in a while, but I only have a few a year anymore if that. You can do it.
I always seem to develop a crush on girls who love other boys.

But at least this crush is a SuicideGirl. smile


5 more weeks until the folks get back. "Summer" has been pretty ok so far. I really need to quit smoking though. Can't afford it.
I have a habit of doing that too. Weird how that works.
Ahem i want bro deets on this crush, yes?
So the folks have been gone almost 3 weeks.

Things done so far:

Re-arranged my room. Hung up some artwork.
Re-arranged the bathroom. Hung up some artwork.
Re-arranged the kitchen.
Got rid of the hellhound (sister came back from vacation, thank god)
Cooked a lot of amazing meals.
Slept a lot.
Been pantsless a lot.
Listened to music very loudly.
Threw out a lot of...
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Damn good way to spend time. biggrin
sounds like a good 3 weeks!
Sanity will be mine soon.

My two weeks with the Hellhound is almost over. Not a fucking moment too soon either. I fucking hate him. He makes me grumpy. Pissy. Moody. Hell, the little fucker has made me cry on more than one occasion.

All as a 'favor' for my sister who gets to relax in Europe, I get to deal with the 4-legged demon...
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Well since I can read this I am gonna figure that I none of my comments have been that bad or anything to make you mad, so that's good. Monday will be here soon enough, you'll be dogless and I will be starting a three day weekend, good for us. biggrin
you tell em! (hugs)
Yeah, as long as you can eat then you're fine. biggrin

I think a decent pipe is the only way I would start smoking again.
I can see that, and the smell of tobacco out of a pipe is always fantastic, could almost be like incense for me. biggrin
Yeah, hearing that they put about 100mill into it too is amazing to me. Can't wait to hear what the prophet has to say about being wrong twice about the rapture.

I do kinda feel bad for one guy I read about who put his life savings into warning people, he dropped 140,000 dollars that he had on bus signs, subway signs, and things like that because he felt as a good Christian he should warn people, I hate to hear of people being that misguided, but I guess he will have a blank slate to start from now.
You'd think getting over someone would be easier.

I mean, for the most part, I know in my mind it wouldn't have worked out, but my heart doesn't want to believe it.

Stupid everything.

This 'being in debt' thing is really kicking my ass too. I have $30,000 left to pay off, basically by next September. I've been trying my hardest to cut expenses, not...
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The Greater Good... (sorry, after Hot Fuzz I always have to do that)

I hope your plans work out for you and the job and getting over her will work out for you.
sorry you've been down, doing that over here too tongue I know what you mean about the job, I'm on disability for 4 weeks and I dont know that I can make myself you back tongue hopefully all that biking and walking will help lift your spirits doll!!!

I'm sure the beginning of what shall be known as " the months without pants" will also help your mood, I mean, how could it NOT. biggrin
Ok this is getting annoying.

I keep getting friend requests from random people who don't know me, and have either never sent me a message, or commented on my blog.

Usually I'm cool with meeting new people and making new friends, but I'm pretty sure people are adding me to pad their friends list for group requirements or something.

It's pretty irritating.

Not only that,...
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lol you tell em! rude asses
How's the diving been going? It sounds like you have a great summer ahead of you smile
God damn, girls can be messed up.

One minute - all nice and awesome, next minute, they freak on you for, well, no reason.

Screw this. I'm staying single and getting a dog. And a motorcycle.

sorry we're crazy shocked