for Christine and Scott

Will somebody give me a Love-a-lujah!

Look at the two of you. It is so amazing, such a miracle. It must be that were not alone. As we all stand here in that wedding way, staring and not necessarily comfortable, who else is standing with us? Do you feel the centuries of unstoppable lovers who put...
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Theyre Sleeping

I got out of bed carefully in the dark. In the bed a splayed-out-to-all-the-edges-woman was sleeping, with a second smaller person sleeping inside her.

I walk northwest through the darkness to a window that was bright turquoise. I put the pan of water on the stove and watched the blue flame. A cardinal sang in the backyard, in that broad style of Spring....
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Have Faith

We are finding a faith inside Environmentalism and Earth Justice and Climate Change Activism. A faith can support multiple movements, and carry hundreds of issues.

A single belief system can sweep across culture and change us all. Christianity did this, and Marxism. And in the 60s we witnessed Zen Buddhism meet and unite with indigenous faith to give power to the peace movement....
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Some heroes take on right wing idealogues on a daily basis. We're more apt to confront liberals like Howard Schultz from Starbucks or Jamie Dimon from Chase. So the hate-blogs' response to our Unmarriage takes our breath away. It's good for us, though. Soon, the neo-liberals will reveal themselves to be just as violent as the right-wingers, and we gotta be ready with TOUGH LOVE....
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New sermon up on Alternet!


"The hate people. Producing a false scarcity of love and putting religious pomp on it is Hate. Sometimes we have to use that word, even while keeping our sense of forgiveness close at hand. Hate is the strongest word of its kind and it should be. The Mormons during Prop 8 were on a mission of sexual fear that...
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If you missed yesterday's live Hour of Power broadcast from Revbilly.com, here's your archive!


In which the Rev and Savitri talk about the ruling allowing corporations to spend nigh-unlimited fund on electoral campaigns.

And we've got an archive of the chat from the episode as well..
Ughh, I'm so depressed about the recent Supreme Court ruling.

I mean really, we might as well just open the job of president up to the highest bidder and be done with the pretense of elections.
the plight of the fickle voter.

i'd like to hear the rev's views on this recent supreme court ruling furthering the corporation as an individual thing. does that make walmart a murderer?
Yesterday's videocast with Reverend Billy and Savitri D is now online:


...talking about MLK Jr, resisting consumerism and militarism, and some thoughts on Haiti.

The Rev and Savitri broadcast video live from revbilly.com every Sunday at 2pm Eastern Time