i wish you were there too.
Hey, I've had to work most weekends and nights this month, and it doesn't look like bosslady will give me time off to go on family vacation with my family. DAMN. Work can be so invasive. It isn't just the time per se; it is that because of the time I don't even feel like myself. I'm tongue-tied. I have some roaringly funny ideas for entries. But can't get them up. Don't give up on me.
follow me down

down by the sea
i finished the challenge. added something yellow to my blog. not a photo, but a scan of some art i've just done. hope you are doing well. i'm always starting to wonder when I don't see you around for a while.
Thank you and you're welcome, I guess? wink

I've been somewhat silent about my artistic tendencies in here, now that I think of it. I have suffered from being way too critical about my art and that has kept me from doing it for too long a time. But now I find that something strange has happened and I'm free from my own silly expectations and limits; all I want to do now is to draw. It's liberating.

It feels both sad and good, in a strange way, to read people from all around the world writing about the radical changes in the climate; not having a real winter this year etc. In a way, it reminds me how this poor planet really is all of ours and every man's actions have global effects. Like you said, it indeed is a truly fascinating time to be living on this ball right now.
V via froufox
from a long abandoned blog

a vagrant appetite for symmetry voices deep viola da gamba rhythmns echoing through velvet sinew and spreading to every fibre of knowing with voracious energy and exquisite velocity

until a vesper sparrow perch is necessary, a vantage to unlock a pure vast language as intricate as Venetian glass and as untrammeled and luminescent as Van Gogh's swirling...
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Yes, I put up James's remark because it was apropos. He's just flirting with me, though, as he does everyone. I just loved that line--your big vocabulary and your Versace eyewear. So funny. I love to collect beautiful little things people say, especially when they are so spontaneous.

Earlier in the year, I had decided, on the basis of two discussions--one with my sister, and one with a male friend of 24 years--that the reason people quit speaking to me, including a couple of people here, was jealousy. This was the word brought up by both my sister and my friend Ira. Of course, intimidation works about as well, and is somewhat related--or can be. A feeling of not measuring up.

I have to go help my son finish his analysis of "Be Yourself." Due tomorrow.

I don't know which site will end up my long-term home. I wish Sunfeather would be more regular about writing. We could start building a new community: our own.

Night, night. smile
I meant the book, V for Vendetta. The movie, while good, pales in comparison. There are a ton of V alliterations which ur piece reminded me of. U really should read it smile.

I agree with u on both points. I do hope the Democrats will sieze the opertunity, and after the election they did seem to regain some confidence. I recall thinking "the Democrats actually have **positions** on stuff!!" lol. But they have been so apathetic (like the rest of the intelligent people in this country) that Im worried that they wont affect any real change. Also, I think global warming being treated like an issuies of national securty would be good, but I dont think that will happen until the situation gets much worse. This is a case where I think it has to get worse before it gets better. The general populace has to know that there really is a serious problem and not think the democrats are chasing shadows, otherwise they wont stay in power and not only will global warming not be dealed with, but many other important issues could be thwarted.

the two academic disciplines I am pursuing:Classical Language & Mechanical Engineering - converge around my interest in classical naval architecture.

I hope to become a solitary scholar in this discipline (as I hate the ivory tower) - and perhaps write a book.

the skinny is that my affliction makes me a misanthrope - I love the conversation but am appalled by the messy reality of...
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I love the word "madfabulous".......Mad Fab!!

(Although today, more mad than fab, I'm afraid. Trying to wash it away with xanax & diet coke.)
I don't ask it of you. I never did. Nor am I seeking or giving therapy.

My son has to analyze a song for middle school. He chose Audioslave's "Be Yourself." "To be yourself is all that you can do." That is true for you, and that is true for me. In my blogs I show what it means to be me. That's all. I don't ask. Kenyon made this fatal mistake. She imagined I was dropping innuendos for her in my blog entries. That was the beginning of her misunderstanding, and you know how it ended: she lost all faith in me and cut me. Playing at the knife's edge of honesty isn't child's play, I realize. It isn't for everyone. Noneless, to be myself is all that I can do. How people react is, I guess, all that they can do. So, we watch what happens. If I feel beseiged unjustly again, I can always leave again. I have quiet blank pages in a notebook somewhere in real life, I think.

As for feeling any wiser about you, or thinking ill of you for knowing you have a physical ailment that isn't your fault or your doing--I do not believe it is possible to learn less. So, yes, I learned more. We are always moving toward more, so long as we are engaged, appreciate, and are open. Anyone who graces me with his best words, most delicate intelligences, and love of poetry as you have will not easily find me shaken from my loyalty to him. If you want a break with me, it will have to come from you. I have no quarrel whatsoever with you in this life.
there has been a request that I enumerate the depths of my lunacy and despair. it is turtles all the way down.

my first intimation that I would go crazy came to me in High School. I lived across the street from the mysterious state psychiatric center as a youth. my brother and I would dare eachother to enter, upping the ante - until I...
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Heard from Sunfeather (pm). You know he's "left," right? Do you hear from him? He's trying to stay sober and is pretty miserable. It makes me sad to hear him sound so desperate. He's not amenable to advice at this stage, though, so all I can do is be supportive in a quiet way. frown
I apologize. I didn't exactly "request" the enumeration you describe, though. If you recall, I was simply saying that type of confessional writing seems to work for some other people, like my friend Stompbox. Certainly, we can let it drop. I'm sick myself, but I seem to have a hard time dealing with other sick people. Often they just can't talk about it. I guess I understand that. When I'm doing pretty well I hate to think about my attacks. I think I even somehow sometimes bring them on by thinking about them. But talking . . . I guess sometimes I'm looking for comraderie in illness, so that is different for me from thinking about it all alone. Talking feels like support to me. So, you've given me a lot of information I have to digest. We can tiptoe around this, but forgive me if sometimes I tread where I shouldn't. You know what happened with me and k: same thing.

Sunfeather does seem to cultivate misery to me, too. I hate to say that about him, and he would no doubt be mad about my saying so. He doesn't want advice or even reports of experience because it is as though I'm "managing" his depression, and he feels "beseiged" by my concerns. I have had mucho experience with alcoholics, including my own father, who drank himself to death by my age. Alcoholics have a personality set: charming but stubbornly refusing to solve their problems. They are like babies, wanting attention. I love Sunfeather to death, too--his charm is disarming--but he is lumped in my mind and almost heart with my inflated dope of a soul sucker ex bf.

Have you seen the old series Brideshead Revisted, by Evelyn Waugh. It is the damned truth about alcoholics. Right on. Worth renting if you do movies.

Be well. kiss
Men Made Out Of Words

-Wallace Stevens-

What should we be without the sexual myth,
The human revery or poem of death?

Castratos of moon-mash - Life consists
Of propositions about life. The human

Revery is a solitude in which
We compose these propositions, torn by dreams,

By the terrible incantations of defeats
And by the fear that defeats and dreams are one.

The whole...
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I will be travelling with my husband this year. We will be going to MA USA to stay with Saveme for a month from beginning of june to beginning of july. I look forward to that. Hopefully you are not too far away for us to see you as well.
and love and health to you. i hope 2007 started great and will let hope for more.
I'm feeling uninspired as of late - so I started up two threads in the UrbanPoetryCafe <----------- a neat little group here on SG, it comes highly recommended

a tanka thread and a quintain thread.

the west has sort of taken over the haiku but tanka is a much more powerful tradition in Japan - a tanka is 5 lines in 5-7-5-7-7 form

here are...
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Wow! What a testimonial! Thank you. You really have a talent for writing them, but then that's no wonder, considering how well you pen your other little darling gems. kiss
Crow realized God loved him -
Otherwise, he would have dropped dead.
So that was proved.
Crow reclined, marvelling, on his heart-beat.

And he realized that God spoke Crow -
Just existing was His revelation.

But what
Loved the stones and spoke stone?
They seemed to exist too.
And what spoke that strange silence
After his clamour of caws faded?

And what loved the shot-pellets
That dribbled from those strung-up mummifying crows?
What spoke the silence of lead?

Crow realized there were two Gods -

One of them much bigger than the other
Loving his enemies
And having all the weapons.
this one is for sunfeather - hoping he'll return from his sabbatical

Ah Jean Dubuffet
when you think of him
doing his military service in the Eiffel Toiwer
as a meteorologist
in 1922
you know how wonderful the 20th century
can be
and the gaited Iroquois on the girders
fierce and unflinching-footed
nude as they should be
slightly empty
like a Sonia Delaunay
there is...
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goddammit! i still haven't figured out how to do picture posts on this new mac! see how everybody suffers because of this?
i am not sure if i found one. sometimes yes, sometimes no. probably not. sigh. it is not easy to commit myself to someone. i am already so commited to my daughter. i love her to pieces and the connection between us is pure magic. i can't quite describe it.
I am basking in the slow lingering glow of Autumn light - shadows spread across the Plaza. The reflecting pool mirror image shimmering in the bare breeze. A trace of burnish on the bordering maple trees. The freshness in the air mixed with the bright sun charges the atmosphere. Sightseers, bicycle riders glide past lost in seperate universes. Scaffolding mounts the capital building which resembles...
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dude who is that "Araki" girl you posted in the albums?
good to see you here. i missed you.
The Encounter

All the while they were talking the new morality
Her eyes explored me.
And when I arose to go
Her fingers were like the tissue
Of a Japanese paper napkin

I have been re-reading Ezra Pound's stark verse - drawn I am to him because of his genius, because of his madness. I have had a very disorienting decade ... indeed, several brushes...
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I like local radio, particularly at night...and particularly in rural areas. It's fabulous.
We are friends now.

I like the laocal radio because of the appalling DJ's and the old dears that phone in to chat them up. It's just fabulous.