uuuuuuhhhhhhh.... have to go to court tomorrow... if all goes well i'll get to give them a big fuck you... and not have to pay the damn illeagally written ticket, but we will see
well i just went and got a bunch of new pots and some herbs from Lowe's now i just need to find room for all of them. i also got a new set up for my "special" herbs smile

there is still at least one more mouse in my house and it is driving me crazy... mad i say... how damn many can there possibly be...
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They can literally pour from the walls.

Get a troupe of bloodthirsty cats.
ok im one day into my spring break and im already going stir crazy. everyone ahs to work and i can't find anything to do hmmm oh well
so today was my last class. now i just have to work in the restaurant and im off on my own. its kinna weird, but kick ass awesome at the same time

ps. sometimes my friends really irk me
Good luck man!
so it is over its done and thank god. i can honestly say that it went really really well, but it kicked my ass something serious. tomorrow is my last day of actual classes. after my tour in the school restaurant then my externship and i graduate. so now i need to find some way to celebrate.
ok menu is layed out and printing, recipes are typed nothing more i can do tonight. im going to drink a beer, smoke a bowl and try and chill. tomorrow will rock
whew so the buffet i have been planning for school is tomorrow... everything is prepped and stuff so all that has to be done is for it to be cooked... but in all honesty im freaking out...yeah freaking out
Youre gonna be great !!! cHill out and go to bed early. The most important thing is to NOT PANIC!!!! I have faith in you young Jedi ! Go out there and rock out wit ur cock out !!!!
damned insomnia mad
woohoo fuck the lab i have to go there no more. it is so great to not to have to go back to that fucking job anymore!!! now for the hard part...find a damn externship
good for you ALL DONE !!! Yeah, now u need to find a job.... smile smile smile
so i got to hang out with the most awesome person tonight. fancyd fucking rocks. smile i had a blast
oh holy hell. i had a fucking blast last night. dj zinc and dj fresh ripped shit up. musically that was the best party ive been to in about 7 years
Where were u hanging out @?
so i got voted to be in charge of putting together the asian banquet at my school. while i rock cooking asian food i have NEVER done something on this scale before. so for the next week ill be coming up with recipes and trying to get in all the food we need and then trying to set everything up which should not be that...
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I love Asian food. My first mentor is part Korean (we are still best friends) and I know how to make some pretty decent Korean BBQ. I have used them for several catering gigs as well. Look up Bulgogi and Karbi ( sometime spelled Karbe). Or I can send you some sort of recipe. I would also recommend staying clear of the overused things like f**** chicken satay. Alot of great and affordable asian cuts of meat and sauces are to be found at the Buford Farmers Market.