
3/7 What is your favorite game?

Some throwbacks is this blog! One of my favorite PC games growing up was "Where in The World is Carmen Sandiego!" Not sure why I thought I was a real detective in this game. Haha but I could sit for hours playing that shit.

How about some Spyro?!? Yeah I'm a kid. I thought finding the eggs was
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Aaaah Spyro, I love that game! Spent hours of my childhood charging, and flaming, and gliding and collecting treasure and stuff. 

So it's cold and we've got about 4in of snow and counting. Since I hate the snow, here's some @bloghomework from a while back.

4/18: Something/someone you’re thankful for

There are plenty of things and people I'm thankful for, so I'll talk about a few, in no particular order.

First, my amazing boyfriend, Anthony, and two beautiful daughters! Anthony and me met at a tattoo...
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@kazumi Because everyone needs someone....

You may see me struggle
but you won't see me fall.
Regardless if I'm weak or not
I'm going to stand tall.
Everyone says life is easy
but truly living it is not.
Times get hard,
people struggle
and constantly get put on the spot.
I'm going to wear the biggest smile
even though I want to cry.
I'm going...
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This made me tear up. You are such a beautiful person. <3
@kazumi you are beautiful too! Never think otherwise!

This weeks @bloghomework from @lyxzen @missy @charmaine @rambo is perfect for me right now(really for all of us) with everything going on. This week we were asked to "Share an experience you have had or friendship you have made through SuicideGirls."

I can't even count the amount of friendships I've built here or because of this place. Some are so amazing that I would even...
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Love you too @moon_glow hope to shoot together again! 💋
Aww, of course, lady! :)

One year ago today I said goodbye to my child. He never got to experience life or see my face. But I know he felt all the love in the world. I spent today getting a piece to commemorate him. ❤️

It is @roz it was a great day spent with great people. Meant a lot to me.
Beautifully said, so sorry for your loss ♡

Here's what I've been up to in my crazy life!!

Me and @moon_glow started this uproar on Instagram. Educating people on dolphin rape.

I also have made some great purchases lately as well. I purchased a few hearts(wet specimens) some real Dead Sea mud, a beautiful chakra wand(hand carved by Keepinitzen) and my favorite so far is this little guy -

Purchased from IG :
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Love wet specimens! Let me know if you recommend the person you bought them from 
@reaper I fully recommend Hereafter.oddities I've bought a lot from her. Lifeless.oddities is awesome, deadthingsinjars gets some of the coolest items and asylumartwork also!! All are 100% quality and professional! I have a few others but Im waiting on items so can't give feedback yet. 

2/20: Tell us your favorite lame joke(s)!

Oh my, I actually follow a lame joke page so this is my thing!!

First up, What do you call a fake noodle... An impasta!! Hahahaha

Here's one for us phone addicts-

Two mobile phones met and fell in love. They got married and the ceremony wasn't great but the reception was excellent!

How do you keep an...
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Gonna go back a bit and do some past @bloghomework .~~2/7: "What inspired you to become a SuicideGirl?" (in your case, a Hopeful!)~~I'm choosing this specific topic due to the amount of trolls I've encountered since getting that Hopeful title.

I became a member when I turned 18 in 2008(I applied to be a model), I had followed the girls as much as I could...
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What Are Your Top 5 Songs of All Time? Songs you could listen to over and over again.

@bloghomework 2/13 from the amazing ladies!!

I can't choose 5. Honestly making a list of ten wasn't easy. There are so many more but these are what I thought of first...

1.) Appleblossom- an ex used to play it for me anytime I was in an icky...
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Just a bit of thoughts today.

My sisters preparing for yet another wedding for a friend. A friend she's had since she was little and it stirred up my emotions of course.

I had more "friends" than I could count. All through school, kindergarten to high school. Now? None of them know me. Not one of them could tell you anything about me aside from...
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*hugs* Some people are miserable assholes.. And you're a better person for doing what you did to help, regardless of how they treat you. ❤️