Wow, It's been a long time. Thank you anonymous stranger for my gift membership. love
Well, Happy new year to everyone.
Here we go again, starting over at 1.

2006 was pretty good to me. Hope 2007 is a good one too.

Wish you all the best in the coming year.
Yea!! finally back online.

Horrible wind storm last week. I was at the Seahawks game with my boss and it was really windy and rainy. Got home that night and went to sleep. Woke up groggy and got in the car, put it in reverse and saw that it was still dark with the reverse lights on. I get out of the car to see...
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Man, I haven't been on here in a while. This may sound like a cop out but, I am still in the dark ages and using dial-up, and SG takes forever to load. anyway, still looking for a job and getting frustrated cause I do not have one yet. ACK. The search continues.
It's been a while. Been busy finishing up school stuff, but am finally done.

I am not walking, which pissed off my friends, but I didn't feel it was important. I realized yesterday that my lack of self esteem stems from my parents. I want to think highly of myself, but then I say that I am not good enough. My parents are not very...
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that reminds me so much of my parents, they seem to always put a damper on things..I get excited about.
Wow, I finally finished the report. 66 pages of hell. Gotta work on other stuff but way not as stressful. Jumping in the backseat and just helping for the rest of the ride.
SO TIRED! Spent all day till 3:30am on Moday writing a report, then was at school from 9:00am till midnight adding and revising the thing.... On a good note, I am almost done with school. I will miss all my friends though. Hopefully most of us will keep in touch.
What a shitty weekend.

Sat: Hurt my thumb playing softball. It's all purple and sore.

Sun: My beloved cat of 19 years died. I was petting him, then went inside. 20 min. later went back out and he was dead. He will always be in my heart, and in WoW. I have a siamese cat that will follow me around. Miss him already.
aww sorry to hear about your cat frown

yay for cats in WoW though! I had a kitten once in it!

I'd love to do Tifa, just havent had the time yet!
Senioritis has set in. It doesn't help that 2 days of the week I don't have class till 4:00. Another 2 days of the week, I usually don't have class at all. I gotta get going. At least I am going to the gym 3 times a week.
Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my set!
Woo hoo. got my grades today. Needed a 3.0, got a 3.18 biggrin . (dancing around) biggrin Next quarter should be light, only 6 credits. I am so excited. Maybe I will go spoil myself with a shopping trip.
Thanks for the comment, hun! ^__^ <3 and congrats ion the 3.18!
Thank you so much for the very nice comment on my set! I'm really glad that you liked it.
Well, finals are over. I totally screwed up on one final but was told I am getting a "B-" in the class. I was told that I am getting a "B+" in another class, so it is going well so far. I am not worried about the other classes, and believe that my grades will be sufficient. Yea!!!

Spring break......ummm....yeah

Sleep and video games are...
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AACK.. I just totally failed a final. goodbye 3.0 this quarter. Goodbye graduation?? That test was fricken hard, I had a really hard time with it. I thought I was prepared, apparently not. mad So unmotivated, don't even want to go to school anymore.
Then play some WoW.