I think a trip to Peru is in order. Too bad I'm too fucking broke.

I guess I'm getting over it. I still cry sometimes, but .. I'm at that transition place where if he asked me to be with him again, I'd probably say yes, but only because I'm so alone. If I give it a week or two, I'd probably say no. I...
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I'm so sorry to hear that, hun. Where have I been, I feel bad I didn't hear about this until now. I'll be praying for you, and I'm sure this is got to be hard. I know uou loved him hard, and so this has got to be painful.

I hope things work well for you and the Peruvian, but take it slow... Let yourself heal up before you jump into it.

Tongue piercings.

Well, first I'd say to find the best shop in your area. By best, I don't mean cheapest. I mean, who carries the nicest jewelry, who's the cleanest and who has the nicest portfolios.

Indicators of a clean shop:
It generally looks clean. Mopped floors, no dust, do mess, clean stations, it's tidy. Steam, heat and pressure autoclave. Monthly or weekly spore tests. Stainless steel working stations. Seperate room for the autoclave/ultrasonic and other biohazardous shite. All tools & jewelry come out of sealed autoclave bags. Everything must be single use (except stainless equipment).

The barbell you will get will depend on the length of your tongue. (I can't tell you, having never met you or your tongue). It needs to be a little longer than you'd like to accomodate for swelling.

Some piercers pierce top down, others from the bottom to the top. (I personally pierce top down). Some use internally threaded jewelry, others external (I use internal). It really doesn't matter too much.

Aftercare is important. Never use mouthwash with alcohol in it, like Listerine. It kills ALL the bacteria in your mouth (which can lead to thrush), and eats away at healing tissue. Rinse with Oral-B non-alcoholic mouthwash, or there's another brand out there, I can't remember the name, but I'm sure you'd be able to read the labels and find it. Or you can rinse with a sea-salt water combination which you can mix up yourself.

Rinse after you eat anything. Try not to smoke, drink booze, or make out with anyone until you're healed. Check out www.bmezine.com for loads of experiences and pictures. If you have any other questions, email me.

Me and the boy are no more. frown


I don't really have any words right now. I'm sorry.


Letter to my Jetta:
Sorry I kicked you and hit you. It was misplaced. I love you JettaBaby.
Aw... *hugz*
I will also *sigh*

Sorry frown

[Edited on Jul 22, 2004 3:46PM]
I reiterate this link, and ask you to remind me to buy lighter fluid at walmart.
I took a break after running because it was so far away and no, I didn't get away.

Adults in America

98 Red Balloons

Hung over like it's 2000

Don't put anohter dime in the juke box (oh wait that was actually done)

Oh, buy some lighter fluid at the walmart!!!
Thanks for all the comments on the tattoo! I'm currently looking into bible passages that say stuff about body mods so I can be peaceful about this. I won't be replying to your comments though, because I'm lazy tongue

So I bought a prepaid phone card from Shaw's tonight and I went through the self-checkout because it's easier. There was no sign saying that I needed...
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Interesting site about the tottoos, I looked around a little bit.

I am reminded of a pastor for Church on the Edge" big biker type guy that had tatoos running up and down both arms. i never asked him about them bu ti assumed they were the product of his life before his calling. The Church catered to those that were 'on the edge' or that really did not fit in with a the traditional church crowds and it seemed very fitting that it was led by a man who would seem more at home on a harley then in the pulpit

My own thoughts on tatoos is that they are ok. I see no problem with decorating the temple and if it is done to his glory then all the better. Now you have me thinking. I have friends with Tats for all sorts of things and they profess that they are the ultimate fans because they have placed a permenant tribute to whatever (Green Lantern and Punisher for example). how cool would that be, Oh yeah well I am a huge Jesus fan. I have to think about this now.
Had a look at the site too- the arguments for tattooing page was pretty damn long so I kinda gave up by the time I got down to the stuff in Exodus supporting it bit.

I'm a little bit wary about some of the arguments he uses. Something in me made me wonder if the "mark on the hand" and "frontlets on the eyes" thing was taken out of context, in as much as they weren't tattoos, anyway. That's not to say he's wrong, just that I wasn't too convinced by that bit.

Something that has just occurred to me is that maybe "the dead" in the verse in Leviticus means "dead things"; things that aren't godly- ie. not tattooing idols onto yourself. To that end, verses and inspirational imagery are living and perhaps permissable... just an idea.

Actually, I've been thinking about getting a triscle/triquetra done for a while, but I've been waiting for money and the right design. I think this site will make me have a little ponder on it now.
I didn't sleep well last night.

I feel a bit drugged.

I think either my allergies have morphed, or I have a cold.

My laptop had a virus last night. In one of my wake-up times, I got rid of it.

Weird dreams.


Edit: You know what I want? I want to tattoo the inside of my arms, starting at my wrist.. on my...
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Hey. thanks for the words of kindness on the Fun With Emoticons thread. And by all means, get the tattoo... I was going to get some text done on the insides of my wrists, but a giant chunk of retread on the highway smashing into my car, destroying the right side of my bumper put a damper on those plans.

Damn auto repair bills.
I think you should have the tatoo done in Hebrew &^).

I suffer from allergies as well. For the most part I can never breath through my nose and when they act up everyone suffers. (is that one of the seven trumpets sounding... Nope, just Chuck blowing his nose again).

Let the drinking commence!!!

Let the drinking commence!!!


Artists: The Streets, Oasis. I need something from these people. Just reminding myself. tongue
HAHAHA tongue

that's funny.

yeah, I know the time will come. and it will probably be beautiful and amazing and awesome and shiny. I'm actually more tired of just having debt... just tired of having X amount of dollars in the bank and knowing that that whole sum belongs to someone else. it's a real drag. and everyone, I mean EVERYONE always asks me, "so when are you getting your car fixed?" I can't go to church without hearing that like 10 times from people. they don't get it through their heads that I wanna get the debt done first, then fix the car. I fix the car, I have to pay for new tires, a new battery, a fuel/fluid flush, gas, and insurance. there's probably even wasps living in it by now or something. that's some serious bling I'd have to fork over, just to drive to church myself. since I'm getting rides, I don't see what the big freaking deal is.

also, after debt and car comes TATTOO'S! tongue
Okay but I dont want to be the designated driver this time. biggrin

I wish I could just sound a retreat, and stay underneath my covers all day.

Maybe, perhaps, this wasn't such a good idea.

Edit: Boondock Saints, kids. If I ever ask you for a name of a movie, say this, because I keep forgetting the name of the movie.
Being a guy Im kind of lazy so I usually sleep on top of my covers and just use a blanket. That way I dont have to make my bed every morning smile
to quote a work mate:
"Boondock saints is the best movie no one has ever seen"

The day he said this my friedns had acquired the movie and were planning on watching it after coffee. He was right.

edited because q is not a word but a is. 4 hours of sleep is not a good thing but a gaming I do go.

[Edited on Jul 17, 2004 12:45PM]
Why would the truth be based on something only a few understand (which they in turn try to explain to us, but really who cares?), rather than something everyone can understand?

Reason #1 why I don't like science.

love Jesus!
Who really cares?? Hmm.. You should!! Without science we wouldn't have any understanding of anything at all. Just a bunch of self truths that would apply only to the person who established them. Without science we would still be living in caves, learning how to make fire with rocks, and sacraficing young virgin girls to appease the volcano goddesses..... Thus, science allows us to live a life without fear (assuming ignorance breeds fear) and lead to the progression of mankin. Without science you are no smarter than a monkey.........Science can be understood by anyone with an open mind and attention to detail...

[Edited on Jul 14, 2004 8:55PM]

[Edited on Jul 14, 2004 8:55PM]

[Edited on Jul 14, 2004 11:38PM]
Ding ding ding ding dinga ding dung.
Anybody who tells me what song(s) that bass line is from wins my first born son. love

Yeah, so this post is basically a shot at not having two pages of comments. It's really haaaard once you get that! *whine* whatever

The boy was over tonight. It was wonderful. I love him so much.

Update: Hotpockets wins. It's from "Under...
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BTW, I am jealous of all your cuddling and stuff.... Just jealous. wink
it fits This is Halloween from Nightmare Before Christmas and now that I have it stuck in my head i can't come up with anything else &^)