I just spent a few hours reading the 'Grammar' thread that was recently closed by Clara (Aug. 6).

I must say I'm going to buy "The Elements of Style" quite soon.

Damn kids.
I'm a strong advocate of proper grammar in writing. I really don't like the road that the written word is going down.

I was sitting in on the physics class I was tutoring for; I looked over a girl's shoulder and saw her notes reading: "matches ur power"

ur? In notes!? I was furious. Oh well.

Back when the Internet was connected by 200 baud modems, it was actually beneficial to write '2' instead of 'to' or 'u' intstead of 'you'. Just because over the course of a whole posting, you saved 3 or 4 seconds in your connection.

Now, connection-speeds are fast enought that one can type full words and not have to sacrifice upload speed. T9 phones are a different matter.
Hmmmm. Worked from 12:30 to 10 today in the factory.. My feet hurt. Damn you, no-support converse!! tongue My own damn fault, I suppose.

Anyways, work was.. okay.. I strapped on barmops for an eternityyyyy (and although that means nothing to you non-factory folk, let me tell you, it gets boring). Yeah.. I dunno. It feels like I was there for two days. tongue

I'm trying to...
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well, since you asked so nicely... tongue

She calls me at 5:45... we go and get some Humbaw, a Asian Pastry with meat inside it, and then drove to her house. I met her parents, they were really nice and come to find out they are good friends with some people from my church. So, we go kayaking, and she's just full of energy and trying to get splashed, we are on a lake and we paddle into waves made by boats. we talk about everything. she tells me that she wants to be a mommy, and she always felt like she'd marry young, which I thought was interesting love I tell her my dream is to be a husband too. wink

anyways, we go to the local chic coffeehouse before I have to go to work, and we start a game of chess, clearly, we aren't interested in playing, we move maybe 5 times a piece and stop. I have this thing where, I can't whisper. I try, but when I'm excited my voice gets normal loudness. so, we were sitting cross from each other but we scoot next to each other. I'm really close to her, and we start talking about her ring, which is a kind of plain promise ring. she takes it off, I look at it, and I put it back on her finger... she has this something on her face, so I reach up to clear it off, and she doesn't jerk away or anything... love love So we are talking about relationships and how in the world I have never dated... and I tell her that I'm kind of lost for how this is supposed to go, and by way of example, I tell her I'd like to hold her hand but don't know how to go about doing that....

and then she pulls her hand away! body language totally changes, she crosses her arms. I tell her, " I want to be honest with you. I really like you, I think you have a wonderful personality and are very cute (I'd also complimented her eyes and spent a lot of time looking at them). But I don't want to rush into a relationship with you, have it be all hot and heavy, and then bam you're gone to school out of state and I'm left alone here. that wouldn't be good for either of us." I explain that I want the chance to "date" (though really, if we became close, I'd probably just propose, say, 6 months from now anyways) her but I want to know her more. I ask her how she feels about me. She insists that she's a bad person for me to date and that she'd probably hurt me. she's worried that I'd be stupid if I dated her because I'd "waste my first kiss on her" and stuff. Then she says that she was in a couple of relationships before, last year, and they were bad. the last one was abusive and she wasn't proud of her behavior. I think she feels that she's not good enough for me because of some of the personal lines she crossed in the last relationship; also the guy told her some very terrible lies about herself and she has ended up believing them. she didn't tell me what, but I'm guessing he got her do do some things sexually she didn't want to, and then called her a slut and made fun of her for her part in it. She does say she likes me, and would consider dating me; but she doesn't feel it's the right time, and I'd have to agree with her. besides, really it's not how I'd like to be doing things. So we agreed to get to know each other and then after she's had some time to grow and work out her stuff, we might give it a try.

She drives me home, and as I'm getting out of the car, I tell her I'll call her in a few days. She says "you don't have to wait a few days..." love

She is amazing. I can't begin to describe how awesome I find her. her personality, her spiritual background, her things she does for fun, all compliment mine. I think we'd give each other amazing balance. Not to mention she's so beautiful, and it's a totally unique beauty. I've seen very pretty girls in my life; Some very sexy girls. But this is different, it's hard to put into words, but it's better than everything. she doesn't even wear makeup, and she's simply radiant.

Oh, and did I mention she's a Christian too? biggrin
Sometimes the nights you don't come around..
They're worse than a slow breakdown
Creeping as it's fingers slowly extend
And it's never the same when you're here
You're always saying the things I need
Always being stronger than my previous acquaintances
You make everything so simple
I am who I am when you're the one I'm being it to
And I forget everything I said...
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I like it. thanks for writing! smile
that's exactly what i was thinking!
Ooosh.. oraaaaange's cooter is as sore as sore can be!

Tonight I Have Done The Following Things With Ben:
-watched Matrix: Reloaded
-watched Sealab 2021
-watched poker
-been eaten out
-had sex (simultaneous orgasm)
-been fucked against a wall
-taken a shower

Indeed, a constructive night.
So, uh, how was The Matrix: Reloaded?
I agree with lego... that's a pretty strong leap into sex. whatever sews your buttons, I guess.
Looks like another Mr. Ben encounter is on the horizon..

Have fun. play it safe, k? No little Oraaaaange's running around 9 months from now, alright? wink
Nice. It's always good to know upcoming encounters.
I had to delete my membership to the Virgins group today.


Well, okay, I won't leave you hanging. The guy's name is Ben. He's got long hair, and now has a goatee (I hadn't seen him in a month or two). He's QUITE attractive.. he works out a lot, bikes around cos he has no car, and he's just an all around cool guy....
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A lavateur is a washer... I think- I'm not to sure about my french!
n context, I was talking about a power-washer- as I have been quite a lot recently- because they're cool and I've been cleaning all the stonework on the outside of our house... and anything else that dares to look dirty- rocks, cars, windows, gates... Nearly finished now, though...
hey congrats oraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaange on having Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I love that movie.

Oh, and an losing the big virginia sweatshirt (as we used to call it where i lived. Reason being my friend Aaron, who now lives in Lynn MA, used to have a sweatshirt for THe U of VA that was just a giant letter V. and he said he was going to burn it when he finally lost his virginity.)

But seiiously, that movie is great. It's why mercy and I are probably going to move to vegas.
What.. do you kids just hold down the A button until it looks like there's enough As in my name?

*glances at TFOK*

There are only 5, you know.


I miss Christian. He told me that he yelled at his dog yesterday because she wouldn't listen, and then he felt really bad. So I asked him why he yelled, cos he's usually a very calm,...
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I always copy and paste... blush
Pretty much yeah. (I was told there would be no math).

I talked to Christian last night on my last 11 minutes of my phone card. He was so happy to see me even though I called him at 2am (his time), 3am my time. I miss him so much. I last saw him about 3 months ago, and I won't see him for another 6 or 7 months. frown

Hmm. Either I'm going to a concert...
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TFOK climbs into oraaaaaaange's lap and purrs softly.
did i mention i toootally enjoy your new profile photo?!!?
Spent the weekend camping.

It was fun. I got a little crispy, though. mad

I feel better about my situation. Thanks for all the comments.

Christian sent me texts every night when we usually talk online blush They were so sweet. I called him a bunch of times when I was camping and I called him when I got home. He called me back a half hour...
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It's a photoshop process I've been tweeking with. That programs is fun-kay
I'm just looking for something daytime and fulltime and more than 8 bucks an hour... :shrug:
Okay, now I'm confused.

He said he wants to marry me.


Well, let me clarify. I said he want's to marry me, but not right now. He knows what we need is time and to grow as friends (to have a more firm base for our relationship) because he still loves me so much.
Anyways, there is no way I'd say yes to marriage...
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I wouldn't say there's a "better" in this, or that you can run the numbers on it. Even if you weigh their +'s and -'s today, that could be a million times different 1,2, 10 years from now.

my feeling, after being on this seemingly wild "rollercoaster" of emotion the past week, is to ask yourself not "what can they give to me" but "what can I give to them?" and I think something you should give (or maybe have to give) is time.

Lastly, NEVER rush into Marriage. if you rush into it, odds are you'll be more willing to rush out of it, and that's not a pleasant thought.