Craziness lately,
Lots of sickness,
My body feels like it's 50 when it is 22. I dont understand why i'm in constant pain and unfortunately neither do the 5 doctors I've been too. Way too many blood tests and MRI's for me, thank you very much.

remember meeh ? kiss
hay girl? you ever online? i miss you. i mean really. how are things going? you know i graduate in June then transfer to SJSU. my family is so proud, since i'm the first to graduate from any college. but anyways. i hope things are going well w/ you ! kiss
wow, i didn't realize how long it's been since i wrote on here... school and work have been kicking my ass lately and there was a lot of drama at the house, but that's been taken care of since the lazy slacker left...
I actually have two days off this week, it's amazing. I'm going to sleep and be lazy and i'm gonna go to...
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You should make a new journal entry....!

so i'm getting over my cold, finally, which makes me happy.... I saw fischerspooner the other day and they rocked so much. great dancing, great costumes, great gay banter between songs. they were very fun. i need to go to concerts more often.
hey uh, I just realized I don't have directions to your place. email me or call (808)271-2961. hope you get this or someone gets online before tonight. :\
i think you've been better since September, yeah? wink
Just wanted to tell yah, Thank You for the Halloween Party. Everything was great (except my time on that stupid phone, i know better not to pick it up when i'm out mad ) but yeah *hugs* thanxs for a fun time & letting us crash there. biggrin
ick.... i'm sick. this sucks, i'm allergic to most cold medicine so i just have to wait this out... and i have 2 bio tests on monday and an english paper due tuesday but i'm too tired/sick to remember anything i read or to make much sense when i write (it's taking me way too long to even put up a few sentences on here,...
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that sucks!! i hope things work out....
my bf doesn't want to share my nakedness with the world, so he deleted the pics.
poor baby. I'll make you better. *runs in kitchen*

Look. Chicken & stars w/out all that unwanted sodium!

just for you.
well, school just started so my life is going to be a hellish, stress filled ball of muck for the next four months. yuck, i wish i could get financial aid so i wouldn't have to work this much.... but it's okay cuz i'm gonna go to dark sparkle and dance my drunken butt off and then on saturday i'm gonna be a dirty ho....
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I had loans all throughout college I guess I was their ho
hi...how was dark sparkle? i went to delerium on saturday. lots of fun/whiskey/fun. do you ever go to death guild? i think it's my favorite...
phew... we had a going away party last night for a friend that's moving to London. we all got totally plastered and had a pretty okay time. then, i woke up super early today to clean house and cook dinner for my parents and grandparents. we didn't end up finishing until about 9pm.... i'm exhaused but damn was that food good. i love cooking so...
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hey, am I gonna see you guys at the lovemakers concert tonight? it's at Thee Parkside, doors open at nine, prolly between $5-8 to get in.
blarf, my life has been kinda blah lately... i was working a ton for a few weeks and now all of a sudden it seems like i have all of this free time but no idea what to do with it. i get really anxious and pace around the house cleaning, i really need a hobby.
howdy neighbor! beautiful day here in the city, no? Im getting a "tribute" tat of sorts for the late jeff buckly. inner arm will be an evening sky over an ocean with a banner saying "eternal life" and the outter arm will be a day-time scene with hills, sun,birds,flowers... im too excited. um, yeah, hubert selby jr. amazes me. have you read "the demond" yet? its a good one. oh, ive got 2 piercings in each nipple, so i say go for it, it hurts so good!
so i went to see 1920's porn the other night. it was pretty awesome except for the nuns doing naughty things with a doggy, that was a lil disturbing. i met a really cool girl who's doing an artsy-fartsy porn with john cameron mitchell, i'm kinda jealous.
Sweet! A pirate smiley!! ARRR!!!
hm, ok, so it's between Faith, a mixed gay dance club tonight, or popscene tomorrow night, but they are having a concert, and the band seems crappy to me. I'm leaning towards Faith. I hear a lot of straight people go there, so it's cool for yer bf.

ok scratch that, polly backed out. that means we can go to 21+ clubs. I'm thinking Bondage a Go Go sounds pretty good.


[Edited on Jul 23, 2003]
you like my music? well, i like your movies. theyre brilliant!
Yay! I'm finally gonna go on vacation. My boy and I are going to monterey for a few days, it will be so nice to get away from work. Wednesday night we're going out to celebrate his b-day. Another night at Dahk Spackle should be fun! love
hey, your taste in everything is awesome, too biggrin I added you to my friends list smile
ouch...that is/was a bad pic...it stretched me out to make me look about 200 pounds heavier than i actually am. For a better version of that pic go to "my pics"...i think its a better version. :-)
28 days later is a pretty good movie. lots of suspence and super lots of zombie people puking blood. i definitely recommend it to anyone that likes a good horror flick....
i got a bad migraine today at work so i left early to take a nap. i woke up to a party in my living room. there were lots of drunk people dancing around,...
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I love zombie flicks,hopefully i'll get a chance to see 28 days,have you seen dawn of the dead or night of the living dead? great movies
rock on