When I saw that first picture, I knew...
When I read what you said, my heart sank...
You drifted further and further away...
You declared what I had hope to never hear you say again...
When I read that, I died a little inside...
I am seriously considering starting a parnormal research group.
I am not your fucking butler. mad
It's always odd to find pictures of an ex online.
Naked pictures.
Like, close up pussy shots.
I didn't need to go back there...
Fortunately, she's not on here - that I can find.
My balls are now elligible for the Macy's Parade.
Last night, she gets all tipsy, makes a bunch of suggestive comments (among other things) and then promptly passes out on the fucking couch.
Strange is starting to look like a better idea than this. Sheesh.mad
A dry spell for the foreseable future.
I don't think sex is too much to ask, not when I rarely ask for it.
God, I am a depressive sonofabitch!
The trouble still exists, and it only goes deeper and deeper, but I have decided to let it go.
I have resolced to have some time with no contact. I'm putting that in writing so I feel compeled to stick to it. Otherwise, I would just find a reason around it. That's what I did yesterday. Now, it's in...
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And it begins again...
After over a month I was finally starting to return to some semblance of normal. The DT's for this girl had finally started to wear off. And then I get myself sucked back in and WOW does this rabbit hole go on for a LONG ways.
My only regret in this life is that I never pursued that life with her....
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I have to admit, a blow job AFER sex is pretty fuckin rockin.
II don't want to be here anymore.
I want out.
There's no earthly or heavenly reason to prevent it.
I can see it happening - feel the bonds slipping lose!

I don't want to be alone.
I want HER.
There's no reason in heaven, on earth or in hell that it shouldn't be so.
I can feel her wrapping her arms around me, smell...
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