my oh my i have neglected this site. 3+ years since last blog updateeeek
Last time I was here I was posting about a great trip I took with my girlfriend over the summer, and now I get to post about how what I thought was a great relationship is no longer...

Don't even know what to say about it anymore really, one too many hearbreaks for me.
been a while. working a lot, took a vacation over the summer to Ireland and London check out pictures.

It looks like a nice trip, the land looks beautiful
So I just got offered a great job in LA around Marina del Rey. I start march 6th, short notice. So I will be moving, going down to look for a place this week. Here's to hoping I find a place.
good luck! how's it goin so far?
I've really been bad about keeping up with the journal and the site, sad how my friends list has diminished too frown

Stress is building about 3 months now to finish my thesis, lots of work ahead, long days and nights..
it will be ready march 1st.... can you wait til then????
I've been really bad about updating lately, trying to be better..

Been the busiest that I have ever been lately, but its good becasue I've been turning out some good work so its cool.

Had a pretty decent birthday the other day so that was a nice break from the crazy work.

and now.

back to work. ooo aaa
Another year older..

Been pretty good day though so far. Taking the day off from doing any work, I needed a break.

Got a pair of sold out death cab tickets and another friend gave me Weezer/Foo Fighters for tonight.

Got calls from the brothers and dad and old friends, it was nice.
