So things got a little crazy uploading my set to Member Review so I have 2 profiles now. I have to leave this one and start everything on my new one....Check it out! Pebbles_ biggrin
Thanks for the love on my set smile
Now I understand. I thought maybe you were twins. biggrin
I don't see what is so wrong with wanting to be done with school, to be starting my career, to be married, to have kids (in 7 years or so...), to have a micro chihuahua, 2 cats and a house or condo.

I understand that most of these things I cannot have due to the fact that I am in school. But the beginnings of...
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List of my horrible week:

-Found out I need a surgical procedure
-Failed my neuro exam (my first fail in grad school)
-Thought I got an A on my pharm exam but filled out the bubbles wrong so I got a b- (damn bubbles!!)....this is what happens when they give exams at 7:30am.
-My SG set got rejected by staff
-Got in numerous irrational arguments/blow...
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just wanted to say thank you for the support in member review
it's the member's votes that get the sets bought so I appreciate it tons

it's been rough for me too..it has to turn up soon, hang in there
I got some not good news this morning so I've been bummed and quite emotional. But throughout the day there have been things that have been able to put a smile on my face...

I went grocery shopping and all of my favorite splurges were on sale (mostly healthy of course!), so I bought them all....and somehow my total was still waaay too much... whatever

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well said!!

i'm trying to arrange an interview with him that day. i might pee my pants if it happens haha
So....regardless of what you think of them. Check it.

Even if you wouldn't be interested in attending a show, they hold walks in the city during the day before their performance. It's very inspriring. I've done 2 before and can't wait for the next on Saturday! I even made my boy do one with me and he was even impressed. biggrin
I feel like my head is going to explode.

Thank you for commenting my new set, Sunspots, in member review. Much appreciated! xoxo
Thanks for the comment on my Lunch Lady set! kiss

Time for an update! I'm in my first week of finals for grad school....crazy that I made it this far and crazy that it has gone so fast. To be honest, on a daily basis I'm amazed and in awe that I actually got in. I've never had to work so hard in my life, but I know it'll pay off.

After this week I...
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really dig it ! nicely done biggrin makes me want more ink for sure !
more pics of our little man soon to follow . we love having in our home and can't stop watching all of his tiny expressions biggrin

keep me posted on some scouting dates ! diggin' the shades btw .
So I am a rollercoaster. It's what I've decided and known. My life is like a tilt-a-whirl right now. Cliche' I know but consider this....within the past couple weeks I've had the best and hardest working time of my life. I've had maybe like 8 exams, so all during the week all I do is study until I'm ready to pass out. It really does...
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totally awesome that you're BFF's now . very cool !

definitely throw your ideas my way and also we should pick a date to scout it out !

it might take some reminding, but i can surely help you out with some more format . it's all so fantastical .

naw, i didnt go i saw dark knight instead!
Question: Is it better to have your life be mediocre or a mess of extreme happy and sad times?
Having done the rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, I'll pick mediocre... for now. It's nice to have a break from the chaos.