I don't update on here nearly as much as I should.
Not a whole lot to say, I suppose. Just trying to make it through the daily grind I suppose. Kinda wish I had a job that didn't require me to be on-call 24-7. It has its ups and downs. I'm a night person, so that kinda works out. . . . .except nights where...
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Had to post something on here to get rid of my emoblog Xp

Sooo, yeah I was going through rough times about a year ago, but things are all gooder now.

I don't like the idea of ripping pages out of a journal, so I haven't removed earlier mentioned "emoblog".

Anyhoot and a hey, I'm awesome. Let's talk about nothing!
I'm doing good
I want to feel alive again................

I've felt dead for so long now........

I appreciate how everyone has reached out to me, but let's face it.......
There's a gaping whole in my heart right now.......
Not a single thing can replace what's been lost.........
And it's not as if she's gone because something tragic happened to her.........
It's because she's leaving me.............
And everything we've...
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Just when I start to feel like I'm heading in a better direction, I start feeling totally unaccomplished. . . . .

I see what everyone else I know is doing with their lives, and it's just so much better. . . . .

The thing that gets me the most is that they are all younger than me, and have done so much more....
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It's really interesting.
Listening to music.
Listening really closely to all the lyrics.
Music takes on a bit more meaning when you have more than just that chorus ringing in your head.
It has way more meaning when certain situations you've been in force you to realize what it's all about. . . . .

Music is awesome.

Yeah you fell in love
And you...
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Well, today hasn't been as bad as past days.

I may finally be coming to terms with things.

I had a lot of fun hangin out over at Will & Holly's place with Jordan & peeps.

We had good fun times.

Well, that's my half-assed attempt at a daily update.

Feel updated.
So, tonight I go to pick up my wife from work at 11. She informs me that she'll need the car for the evening because she is going off to a party. Part of me wanted to talk her our of it, but I didn't want to ruin her night. . . . . . .dunno why I'm still looking out for her.

I decide...
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thought i would say hey! xox
yea idk i have sleepign issues!!!! xoxo
As of a couple weeks ago, my wife told me she was finished with our relationship.
I insisted that she was only feeling that way because of all of the financial stress we've been in lately. To prevent getting evicted (due to being too broke to pay rent & utilities) we're putting in our 30-Day notice at our apartment.
My wife told me that when...
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So. . . . . . . .College. . . . . . .

I've been unemployed sitting on my ass for the past 3 months, and haven't done much to get myself out of this situation. . . . . .which is a bit hypocritical of me being as I always give people the "If you're stuck in a bad situation and do nothing...
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So, I hate accidentally making fun of people to their face without even knowing it.

This kinda came about from something I did a couple years ago. I was at my wife's Dad's house for Thanksgiving and just talking it up with all the random family peeps (Whom I had only known for maybe a year, but realistically only seen them once or twice previous...
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