Being an adept means I should know better and truthfully I do. I know that I am wasting my life and poisoning my body. being an adept means I have the tools to radically change. The unknown is fear. To predict change is impossible except for in the most general sense. fuck it, I give wings to my desires tonight.

Great is the might of...
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killing your own internet personatlity-

when you click deactivate to a internet venu that features facts, pictures, and or quations you find prlavent to your life. Not having spent less than two hours a day continuessly checking and posting and or waiting for either.

Some spaces need to be personal. Eye to eye. The sun riises and yet I'm in two worlds, the world my...
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addiction! woe! woe is I! That thusly have I profaned myself upon preposterous pixelated pages! woe and terror and mirth. Jolly jolly mirth. For it is mirth that I give in to, the cracking smile with its boisterous grinning pearls. Woe to them in darkened corners without jolly and a pint to not expand the vast greatness but to shrink it down to pitiful dark...
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Knowledge, wisdom, understanding

Look, listen, observe

If action isn't getting the results of desire, than what results will come of inaction without desire
I suck at being alone, nothing is fun. I need to be social! All my plans have currently fallen apart so now I'm stuck in this town with time off work. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! mad
so I've alwyas been philosohical and into bettering myself but when was the last time I took my own advice? I tell people who are down- "only one time around, take all the adventures you can" which is a total very nearly quote steal from a woman who had cancer. funny how it takes a horrible affliction to make people apprecite the grandure of taking...
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Friends are probably the coolest people ever- I got to see an old friend tonight and it was laughs all around. I had been wanting to hit her with a ping pong paddle all day! here we are giggling our asses off after ask 'think you can break that on me?" "oh yeah!" she replies. Then proceeds to wack the shit outta me. The whole...
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smile <-- this is a stupid comment that means "I've read what you said, and have nothing interesting to say about" biggrin
Going in to get tested today, scary! I think its about time and I should know for any future partners. I've been pretty safe all my life, always using condoms. Then of course after a nice heart wrenching breakup I got home with a girl from the bar and have unprotected sex. how many horror stories start like that?

I miss her but I don't....
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Maybe you should learn for next times.
Eat that indecision! On the way to the bar I totally pushed the girl I wanted to make a decision and her choice was to not want anything more from me. Which should have been the other way around cause I dumped her because I wanted to hook up with this great girl. I'm no cheater. well.. is it cheating if you handcuff a coworker,...
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Why can't we just talk about this? Nothing, Nothing fucks with me more than an issue unresolved- especially an issue of the heart!!! I'm sitting here and why can't we just work this out. I hate this either or bullshit! "Take this life I'm right here, Stay a while and breathe me in" (in flames song I'm listening to). Either tell me to go rot...
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I did that last night
Ok. I almost made it a day without trying to institute conversation over an electronic media with my ex. FUCKING SHIT. how did I do it again? I have been calm and great all day, living my life in the present and then fucking facebook I see she's online and bust out the Ben Kweller lyrics. I'm a fucking idiot! I just got off the...
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