todAY my account ends. april 4th. thank you everyone who i got to know. your friendship was of great value to me, your help and support during rough times. goodluck to you all in the future. i will keep in touch with those of you i have contacts for.


love ya babe
Miss you hunny...I'll seeya soon I hope smile
painting done. proposal almost done...school's getting under control. just had a good weekend completely school-free.

i am deleting all my albums. sorry. i don't want that stuff floating around in cyberspace once i'm gone...

i don't know when that happens, sometime in april so yup. just workin away over here. i am pretty stable now. so that's good. perhaps even happy? lol

nihly is tired... and malnourished... she is too skinny and it is giving her a headache
Ahhh it looks like you are winding down the SG account. Sad, will miss your posts but it is probably for the best for you. I think it shows progress and shows how far you have come. Bravo for you miss Nihly... seriously Bravo.

one of my projects was stressin me out too much, so i changed it to something i could manage

we have to do a piece in the style of another artist, and intially i was doing hundertwasser

i really like hundertwasser's work but i cannot figure out how he renders his work, it is so complex

so i decided to stop what i was doing...
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Sounds like this is almost to easy smile
Seriously, someone be a doll and take me far far away from here.


Somewhere warm, preferably. Winter just doesn't seem to go away...

and hire somebody to finish my damn schoolwork.

Or put me out of my misery. One or the other will do.


you know you're welcome for a visit here smile
mmmm vacation... you know I did have my eyes on a nice mexican resort with a morroccan theme to it I could use some company. I am sure your boyfriend and my girlfriend will not mind at all. smile
psycho bitch ex but obviously not ex called me this morning... if she thinks i am pathetic, she needs to check herself. she's now fucking the guy who dumped her and spazing on the phone like an idiot. and i am the crazy one? pah. and i still didn't fucking do anything with him. but don't worry about me talking to him again... he called...
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Sadly there are alot of them out there... Its a fucking epidemic frown
silly geeses
Unicef's Tap Project is nearing it's end... from March 16th to 22nd donating $1 at a participating restaurant for tap water you'd normally get for free will help to provide a child in an area of the world without clean water safe water to drink for 40 days. We take clean water for granted and act like it's free and we have a right to...
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We already went through the "world is going to starve" and there is not enough water thing once and we have done okay. I personally am skeptical of it happening this way. Water is definitely tight though. But there is water we just have to process it better (desalination and waste water treatment along with conservation like you saw in NZ). But this sort of topic was huge all through the 70's and we were all pretty much supposed to be starving by now. Hence the popularity of sci fi movies like Soylent Green at the time.

Food is basically in surplus (if the poor cannot afford it that is another matter entirely although no less distressing for them) but there is enough food.

Oil will run out... but gah... I would rather see it stay at a high price so we innovate ourselves off of it's ridiculous addiction to waste and environmental damage along with giving hundreds of billions of dollars to those who hate us.

sigh... always gonna be something.
sooooo, flushing the toilet four times because I thought there was a very sneaky spider in it would be a bad thing right?

I kid. You are good folk. I <3 you.
and just who walks into my life ONCE AGAIN when everything's getting alright again? I swear, it's like ex radar. it's not like he makes things worse or harder for me, anymore anyways. it's just the annoyance of it all... popping back in just to make sure you don't forget. he's my achielies heel, i swear grrrrrr.

so i had a good st. paddy's on...
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I have just convinced myself that this girl ive loved for some time will take me back for once... of course it never happened... i think you know this subject... I'm sitting here just stewing in my pissedoffity mad
this is not relevant at all but it is funny and should give you a smile
i am an on going mixture of happy and sad, but mostly sad still, which is annoying. it was st patrick's this weekend and we went out but the guys were too late getting loaded before the bar that the line up was too big at the club, so we cabbed it to the pub. at which point i was just mad. 'cuz when you...
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Yeah your St Patty's at the pub sounds lame... sorry I would be miffed also. The thing with a lot of movies is that I think they would be really good if you went into them without the expectations. But you cannot avoid the marketing and it tells you what to think of the movie before you go and sets the expectations for you.

Tough one. I love the mystery movies I get from Netflix. Some are real crap but on occasion I get some really, really great stuff.

As for the rest. These are the times that try you eh? Stay on your path, you know what and how to get where you are going. You will make it and look back on these days from some future as the time when you grew into the woman you are becoming. Trust me, I have been there. Not exactly where you are but close. You will be fine. Hang on darling just hang in there.
I don't like thongs anymore!

They are uncomfortable. Guys can't understand how we wear them. Well the truth is, yeah that piece of fabric wedged up your *um* isn't fun at all. Girls just get used to it to the point where we don't notice anymore. And with teenie-boopers catching on to the tiny undies so they can feel like they are "sexy" and more...
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well done padawan learner.

be mindful of your thoughts
for male dancers, there is a similar piece of clothing that is is much more... utilitarian than sexy, called a dance belt. Take the piece of string going up your "um" and at least double it in size.

Our nickname for it was "The Machine." 'Twas not pretty, and 'twas not comfortable. I only wore it when forced to for concerts. Ugh.

Hoory for happy thoughts. Send some my way after making me thinking of "The Machine."
I am working on some of my papers finally. I am working on some paintings finally. I am thinking of maybe putting some stuff out there for sale in the future. If the shit work of the people at school can sell, I'm sure mine can too. Honestly one of the girls in my class is the biggest snobbiest bitch and then she posted her...
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What can I say... this is all pretty good next to the clique

But you sound healthier in your words... Im happy for you smile
welcome to happiness smile We like you here.