My birthday's coming up this month. On April 30th my health insurance company sent me a lovely letter to let me know that to celebrate my big day they'd decided to up my premium by $35 from $191 to $226 starting July 1st.
Then, a month later, they sent me another letter explaining that they were raising my premium again, this time by a hefty $65, just because they can, you know, for the hell of it. What a gift!
That's a total premium increase of $100 effective July 1st.
Think about that. My premium was $191. It's going up to $291. That's an increase of over 50% in one year.
Can you think of any other product or service that's gone up by more than 50% this year? In this economy? Have health care costs increased by that much in the past twelve months? Really?
(Someone's sure having a party at my expense!)
What do I want for my birthday? Universal health care please Mr. Obama.
Otherwise I can't afford to get any older.
I HATE blue cross with a blue hot passion
And am happy that I moved to Kaiser
not only did i pay a lot for fuckin blue crotch, they would never get me a doctor and they wouldn't pay for visits or medicine for my kids. i was paying for zippo services.
then i got kaiser--a better value in that i can see a doctor but quick whenever i want.
and happy birthday miss cutie
Why do you need health coverage?
Your young, healthy, and from reading your SG piece's very intelligent.
I ski, mtn bike, run the river, ride Harley's etc. etc.
I never have needed their services.
I have a feeling it's all a big scam.
They own stock in, "tobacco"?
Boot them...
SG please cover your staff.
They deseve it.