One of my best friends from high school is in NY for the summer while he is a working at a real estate law firm. I am excited that he is so close because he attends law school in Michigan. Last night, I went to see him in an apartment that he rented that is located in Columbia University housing. He introduced me to his...
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I go back and forth between Queens, NY (grad school) and Philadelphia, PA (home sweet home). While I am in NY, I stay with my aunt who only had one child. She is used to getting all of his attention and in turn being able to baby him and push him around. He recently got married and is off in his own place being babied...
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My braids are out. I miss them but I got my hair done. I always love it the first day because my hair moves with the wind. I don't take care of my hair how I should so it looks like shit until I go the salon or get my braids. I always look so weird in pictures. So here is the my picture a...
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Tubsy graduated from Temple on Thursday. Bill Cosby was there and he was cranky and funny. It was a super long day. Today, I have another graduation to go to and there is no hope that I am going to see Bill Cosby or anybody that I would know other than my friends.
This is the first time and a very long time that I am watching afternoon television. I decided that I am adding going to a taping of a sleazy talk show to my bucket list right next to going to Venice. I wonder which I will finish first.
I'm almost done for the summer. I can't wait until I take my last exam.

Tubsy is graduating with a Comp Sci degree so at least one of us shouldn't have trouble getting a job.
Staying up all night to get this work done. I am taking a break at the moment. I know I am going to pay for this. I just need to get through April and half of May and I can sleep. I miss sleep.
i do too. good luck!smile
Tubsy and I went a fundraiser at his grandmother's church. It was a silent auction and raffle. We bid on homemade coconut cream rum and won. Booze for a good cause, score! We drank it and enjoyed it. A few weeks later, we were told that it wasn't a good version and she would give us another bottle for free. We thought it was good...
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So I wish I was a biology major. I don't understand why I didn't go that route. So many of my career goals involve science. Maybe I should go back and get a degree in science. Maybe I won't quit school after this current program.
Today, my boyfriend and I celebrated our 7th year together by purchasing a suit for him to go on job interviews. His grandparents actually bought the suit because they are awesome. It made me smile because a year from now, he is going to wearing that suit at our wedding. love