you know, i thought this was a community, turns out its a private members club. Naive of me i know but i've come to a conclusion. I'm offski (unfortunately my membership doesn't run out til 31st december, but I am pretty much gone.). See ya!
You and Sonic should get back together!
I never post here ... not quite sure why, i might one day though. someday far far in the future.
Hello all,

I am full of the boredom so I though I would bless you all with my random ramblings.

- My New Years Resolution is to play less video games and read more books
- Tom Selleck is so cool
- I wish I could grow a moustache (Instead I'm stuck with weird chin fluff)
- As a straight man, I like Moulin Rouge...
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a few (or 21 and bit to be more precise) hours early, but

happy new year, one and all!

see ya!
Today is the first day of Cannibal Zombie Nun.

Thats right everybody, CZN has begun and shall begin it's rampage all over teh interweb!

Ok, there is nothing there but a holding page at the moment, but I'm busy. It'll be updated slowly but surely.
You girl! Cease your incessant fucking with my head. I am but a poor and simple boy!

ps: and give me my copy of Spaced back!
I am so happy you liked the new Bailey set! You will find behind the scenes info in my Oct. 31st journal entry. So did you notice the burning car?
Is there a special type of extreme guilt that only your parents can make you feel? How do they do it? Bastards, the lot of them!! Seriously how does she do it? I know what i want to do and I know why, and how and the whole fuckin show. How does she make me feel like such a dick for wanting to just move...
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thankyou for the set comment! xxx