Going to be working the wine and food show this week...gotta love thos 16 our shifts smile Which means I wil basically be dead to the world for the duration of the show.
at least 16 hour days are good for money
This has been the worst weekend. I split up with my boyfriend of 14 months. We had been fighting every day for a long time now, so I know it was not working...but I still love him. Arghh. This was the first person I ever fell in love with, trusted...even my first serious relationship. I just want to do the right thing for both of...
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The other night my mother, sister and I all went out to go see the film 'Shall we Dance' (the original was one of our favourites so we wanted to see what they changed), it is certainly no longer a culture piece but it was funny.

Anyway...now my mother wants us all to take ballroom and latin ballroom lessons blush. I figure, I have already...
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Happy Birthday! love
Actually, I think the idea of the slogan is less a threat than an expectation. It does not, of course, apply to Canadians, except that you may have a half-dozen or so refugees from the USA for each Canadian if the bad guys win...

Starting work on a new piece (I love the look of a blank canvas), that I am really excited about.

I went out and got my hair cut the other day. I was feeling adventurous so I figured what the hell (and yes me cutting my hair is adventurous, lol).

My old gamer group has decided to get back together, yay! We had split because...
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It woud be neat if you were at zaphod's tuesday! there's somethng happening before so the night starts at 10 this week. Too bad, otherwise I'd suggest we drag Gav out for an early night... but I guess early doesn't start at 10 frown frown
Going for a job interview at Rogers today (the starting pay is 14.48 per hour)! Hope I get it biggrin
Good luck with that! Nice pay indeed. Mmm peanut butter smile
Finished the AIDS walk today. My team raised over 2,500 dollars. Yay! The walk route was easy (1k I believe) but it was freezing out. Oh well. There was an amazing turn out of people, over 1000 is my guess. biggrin

While this was a great day, the night before last was not. I swear someone out there was out to get me confused I woke up...
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Took my two year old neice to a street party to raise money for the community. It was wonderful...great music and great food (you can't beat hot dog vendors). We both got ribbon crowns, face painting, and prizes for dancing. I swear this was for her enjoyment not mine. blush

The AIDS march here is coming up on Sat. I have had a hard time finding...
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Over the weeked I worked a volunteer shift from 12-9am that has completely messed up my sleeping patterns frown

On the bright side, I got to ride in a stretch SUV this weekend and wear a sexy 'jessica rabit' style dress... nuff said. biggrin
Haha, I thought I had misheard Josh on the phone when he said they'd pick me up in the stretch SUV.. but sure enough... haha/

You looked extra pretty in the dress!
how nice to see more dutch people here, did you permanently move to canada?
it always seemed like such a nice country to me, so much wideopen space.
As I was walking down my street the other day, I came upon a wonderful discovery...a comic book store is finally opening up in my neighborhood! Yay! biggrin

The discovery was a little embarassing since I started jumping up and down squeeking uncontrolably (I managed to keep myself from clapping too)...okay so I'm easy to please, lol. A group of people walking by laughed and asked...
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HI!! biggrin biggrin

By the way... if someone writes something in your journal and you want to reply, post the reply in their journal. It doesn't make any sense, I know, but everyone seems to do it and are too lazy to check up in others journals for replies, teehee.
Hi. I just wanted to say thanks for your comments in my thread over in the Feminists group. (Most) people on SG are great! smile
I'm going out today before my shift to do the girly movie, pillowfight thing...it is so much fun to act out cliches! biggrin

I decided that I was bored of the same old 'this is me in front of the webcam' pictures (at least until I get my hands on my very own digital camera). So I decided to have some fun with crazy makeup, and...
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