Well... my damn alternator went out... I hate replace them in Fords, there is hardly ever enough room to get to the bolts on those things. I guess I could pay a bunch of money and have someone else do it....
Damnit, probably just gonna do it myself.
Love you SG world!
That's what you get for having them Fords, darling tongue
I keep trying to add new pictures on here and it keeps saying that they are too big... I have no clue how to make them smaller to get them on here!!!!
Oh well... I am sure that I will figure it out eventually!
Bandit had her baby!!!! Cutest little filly that I have seen to date! She is a brown and white paint... strange...
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So my birthday came and went, just another day. There were a couple people that wanted to make a big deal out of it, but I have never been one to make a big deal out of myself. I got myself a new tattoo. A phoenix for my chest piece. Sat for 8 1/2 hours... two small breaks (because there were a couple times that...
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looks pretty
Happy belated birthday
Saw it's been a while since the last time I wrote. It's been a long few days, that's for sure. I feels, sometimes, like I am the only one at my job that does any work. I wish that it didn't seem that way, but when I am the only one that is working... lol... it's hard to feel any different. I hope that it...
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Happy Birthday! smile
Finally caught that damn mouse!!!!!! I am so happy! I didn't have to cave in and get a kill trap. Peanut butter seems to be the way to go when it comes to bait. Sure glad I thought of that one! ^.^

My cousin looked beautiful today in the dresses she tried on. She looks beautiful anyway... it's most unfair...

Chin up for me though!...
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you <3 us
I get to go with my cousin to shop for her wedding dress this Wednesday! I am so excited! She asked me to be the maid of honor! I told her that I would throw her the best Bridal shower EVER!!!
I think that I got my friend a job where I work. He is a good guy and he should know better then to...
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I tried to find a woman that would be willing to do a set for me. The more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea of it being a woman that takes my photos. At least for the first time.
So I found one that I liked and had great reviews and beautiful work, the only catch is, I would have to...
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good luck!
ur to die for Molly <3
Head colds make my head hurt. My face had been draining some kind of goo for days. I know it is gross, but I don't know how else to explain it. On top of that, my allergies are kicking back in. Isn't it supposed to still be winter?
Speaking of winter...
The weather has been so nice the past two days. In the 60's. It...
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come back to chat
My face is sore from laughing. Someone brought out the old fat pics... and no, I'm not posting them! LOL! I can't believe that I was 5'2" and 190lbs!!! Gah!!! I am so glad I grew out of that shit!
My computer sucks and will not let me on chat... So I apologize to anyone that I had been talking to when it cut me off.... stupid computer!!! STUPID!!!!!!
Percussive maintenance.... HIT IT!!!

Sucks hun, hope it gets sorted out for you soon xXx
So it has already been a long week. My work schedule changed, so now I am sitting at home three days a week... I guess it isn't a bad thing. Now I get more time to myself, and I get to work on keeping my house cleaner while I am at it. ^.^ I know... I should be doing that anyway. I am going to...
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more time for chat!