Ahh, long weekend at work as usual. I'm tired but had a nice dinner with the missus when I got home. The dogs, Drew especially, were happy to see me as well. The traffic was frustrating as usual.

1) The semester is almost over. I'm not doing as well as I could be but then again, working all weekend is probably not very conducive to...
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The nurses can never find y veins. They usually end up poking me a cople times. It gets annoying.
1. I think you are doing a great job handling everything you have on your plate. Dealing with relationwship stress and working and schooling all the time takes its tolls on people.

2. Yeah I got all those shots done also when I started in the tattoo & piercing industry...better safe than sorry.

3. I dont mind giving blood. My friend from work and I usually go together and we race to see who can pump the blood out faster. I like to watch as the put the needle in. I used to not be able too until I started to pierce. Now it doesnt even phase me.

4. Was the knee area on the inside of your knee or the cap? I am assuming inside cause if I remmeber you have been working on your back side. My elbo did not hold the ink well either.

5. Have you tried dermagraphics? Dont you wish all the ink could be consistant? How have you taken to yellows and oranges? I have found those can be a pain in the ass to put in.

6. Good luck, will you be taking any summer classes?

7. Woo hoo for the next session biggrin

8. urgh back wink
Oh good lord. I had my 3rd pharmacology/medicinal chemistry test today. One of the hardest tests I've had all semester. I studied a decent amount but didn't feel like I retained much PLUS there was way too much fucking information. C'mon, the names of 20 drugs is a bit much when we're not even all that sure about what each class of drug will do....
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Crunch time. ouch. Keep fighting the good fight and soon, all will be much more fun. Live vicariously through others on the internet for now.

"The Nurse that Loved Me" - A Perfect Circle

That song is so funny. Check it out. It's been caught in my head all day.

->She's got everything i need, pharmacy keys..
->She's got everything i need, some pills in a little cup..

so funny!
Beautiful bodysuit smile
Session 5 of the tattooing is tomorrow afternoon. Of course, with my luck, something always crops up that stresses me out and crunches me for time. Besides studying for another test on Friday, lo and behold, I was recently notified that I had to register for classes tomorrow. Thankfully I remembered to email Larry to tell him I'd be late. I'm his only appointment I...
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I know what you mean about the bloody saran wrap. I have ruined quit a number of sheets. I am so joenzzing to get my sleeve finished. My roomate does all of my tattoos. He has been doing them for over 18 yrs. We have all the outline work done on my sleeve it just needs to be colored now.
Hmmm, palm tattoos or not? Simple black, fat outlines. I'm so tempted. I'm waiting on the tops of my hands until I'm done with school. I have to wait on the boobs until my lasering is finished. I'm still working on my right leg - estimated completion? I figure 4-5 more sittings = August? I get more leg tattooing on April 8th. Excellent. Nothing like...
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I do henna on the palms of my hands. I love the way it looks. I never thought about actually tatooing them. I know it wears off quicker there then anywhere else I do it. Hell if you want to do then go for it. And posts pics. tongue
hey i know you, we are on that other site together, i'm new on there! blush
you are just a dollface, so gorgeous!
new tatttoos! YAH! just got a new tat the other day, don't ya love it!
You kow what I'm hating right now? My relationship feels like we're just roommates. The sex is non-existent, we don't spend any quality time together because she's unwilling to change her work hours so at least ONE day works with my off day (Friday would be best). I have classes M-F and then a test every Friday - does she actually think I'm going to...
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I'm sorry things are rough right now....peaks and valleys, remember.

Where in BK do you live? We should grab drinks sometime, I'm moving to the Slope on Saturday with my BF.

Hey girlie - yeah it's rough. I know part of it is while I'm in school but it's so frustrating I don't even want to stick it out until the end of the semester - partly because I know my feelings towards her and the whole stupid relationship are changing out of sheer frustration at the deadlock. I think she needs a fucking wake up call as well. Garr. And I live in Midwood - past the park but I'm only a few stops from Park Slope and go to the Park Slope Food co-op as well. I like that area but the real estate is pricey!
Yes, I am slow to update every so often. Lately, or more actually since January when I had my bought with food poisoning, my stomach and innards haven't been quite okay. I've had GI issues here and there, nausea, fatigue, slight fever, general malaise, aches, and pains. Maybe I have some sort of bacterial infection. Of course I'll have to find Dr. Dave's number and...
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I usually find percocets help me out more than Vicodin but then again I have been known for taking both at the same time just to be sure lol.

Well I am glad to hear things are working out with you and your g/f...women and their damn menstrol cycles puke

You have a blue pitt bull? I wanna see pictures, that must be so cool. I have a fat black and white one, she is such a doll.
Boo & hiss for a shitty tattoo session. Sorry to hear that...
I really love it when my gf leaves nasty little notes where it's all boo-hoo oh woe is me you're not treating me nice blah blah blah. It's fucking bullshit. How is my not saying hey, I'm going to sleep = not being nice? And how does my letting her sleep and not waking her up earlier than usual because I had a class at...
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I don't want this to come out wrong, perhaps you might both have too similar of personalities. From reading your journal entry, I get the impression that you might consider your roll in the relationship more important than hers. Once again, I could be wrong, however, I've learned in my experiences that whenever people turn relationships into expectations rather than support and companionship, things go sour really quick. You may be right that it's unnecessary for you to have to let her know when you go to sleep, but , just as we all have to remember to say say how beautiful our lady is once and a while, it doesn't seem like much of a compromise to let her know when you're tired. Perhaps you two need to take some time to sit down with each other and lay out your plans and needs on the table. This way you have a better understanding of what each other expects. Although, once again, it's my opinion that once expectations become a factor, it's the death of that relationship. I hope I'm making sense here. To me, a relationship is going in the right direction when people do or say things because they want to, not because they feel obligated. perhaps she's upset for that reason. Perhaps what she wanted was for you to want to tell her when you're going to bed or, when you're leaving. She shouldn't have to expect it though. If you get my drift. Sorry if I rambled, I'm a little drunk right now. Beautiful ink by the way.

Nixon said bio-nerd. I love that. I was majoring in marine biology before i change to art. Can I still be a bio-nerd? I guess I will have to ask Nixon. Hope things are better for you and your girl today.

edited because "maforing" is not a word tongue

[Edited on Mar 26, 2004 10:48AM]
I'm tired - almost a week of poor sleeping. Sunday we saw the Passion of Christ - I don't think it made any one group out to be worse than the other. It was just brutal. Other than that, I'm sort of eh about the movie. I'd rather see Monster or something.

And damnit, didn't do as well on my pharmacology exam - I know...
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is it wise to laugh while getting tattoed?
definitely not. One time, another tattooist was getting laughs out of making me laugh and therefore making my butt jiggle while Kevin was working on my backpiece. It was evil of him but it was hilarious
Tomorrow is my pharmacotherapeutics exam. I'ts going to suck. I didn't sleep well last night due to some slight insomnia. I'm a horribly light sleeper so it's rare that I can get more than a few good nights of rest in. I used to have a really shitty time trying to sleep in the same bed with someone because every time they moved, I would...
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Hey, I hope the pet situation works out for you - that sounds like a total BS situation.

Anyway, welcome to SGNY and I hope to get a chance to meet you at some point. It's always nice to see more bio nerds at social functions. smile

Beautiful ink, by the way.
As legg said: Welcome to SGNY. I believe a good place to post the questions about your dog situation would be the Dogs group. There are some real informative people there
I finally got up the nerve to look at my exam grade for last Friday's test. I wasn't sure how to study for it because it wasn't a lot of material.

Basically, Pharmacology/Medicinal Chemistry takes a more in depth look at how drugs work, why they work, how they're metabolized by the body, how to make them more or less effective, hydrophilic, easily metabolized, etc....
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Congo-Rats on the awsome grade!! You have beautiful tattoos and the brandings go so well with everything else. Take care pretty lady. smile
Thanks all. smile I hate being in school sometimes. I was looing at my schedule for the semester and I have 15 more tests left before I have the summer off. Gah. Damn needing a 2nd degree to make more than $60,000/year.