Once again....I never use this site....but I feel compelled to let everyone know that I am reading Ready Player One by Ernest Cline and its freaking awesome and rife with wonderful surreal futuristic imagery and also fantastic 80's references. Quite an entertaining read indeed. I can't put the fucker down!
You should all read this book sometime in the near future.
Also I'm getting married!!...
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I'm not exactly the most active member on this site... yet I've been paying for a membership for a few years (mostly because I just didn't bother to change my payment info and it renews itself...sneaky bastards, but very effective)
So! Since I am on here, I may as well use it every so often!
This time, in the name of shameless self promotion, I...
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Using computers to make music is the gayest thing in the fucking world. I don't like editing.
Computers vs analog recording...you know, without the bright screen and pretty colours and cut/copy paste and quantizing and pitch correction. Fuck that shit. Mistakes are what real music should have.
That is all.
Oh...pretty much everything you hear on the radio is not music. It's 'product'. Some of...
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I seem to be less impressed by everything lately. Perhaps fall is setting in?
Last hurrah! My sister is moving to Winnipeg in November. As such, we are going camping and exploring crazy rockwood caves....then eating....and poking a fire with a stick. Which is the best thing ever, really.
I know I always say I'll pay more attention to SG....I'm just very busy lately.
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those caves go pretty deep, i was in there for hours one time
jesus... you're on here too?

Happy Mothers Day to all! I love my Mom and everyone else should love their Mom. Cuz you know....they gave you life and that's pretty cool....unless you were born via a surrogate...then it starts to get confusing....but by and large Mother's Day is as straightforward a holiday in sentiment as you're going to ever get...so just enjoy!
I could write something long and drawn out but I don't wanna jinx it....so Ill leave it at this:
I met a girl...and she's just fantastic. This one is gonna be trouble... :-)
I had a really awesome weekend!
I pulled off Tom Waits at karaoke. As well as Ram Jam cuz you know...that's awesome.
Also, life just seems to be throwing me win all over the place all of a sudden.
But I'm definitely seeing some really awesome things happening and continuing to happen in the near future. Some really interesting things happening musically!
In other news!...
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So I went to Medieval times last night for a friends birthday, which was an interesting experience, to say the least. Good times tho! Ended up at some random bar after that was playing 50s and 60s tunes, so that's always a good. It even randomly inspired me to record a really odd cover an old tune I remember always digging....turned out kind of interestingly...but...
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WHICH BAR? I want to go to a bar that plays 50's and 60's music tongue

One of these days I oughta.........FIND ANOTHER JOB!

I just watched UP! seriously awesomely sad frown
It was the boat in kensington, it's a small place and got packed really quick. at one point I went out for a smoke and there was a line up down the street!
And Up IS awesome! The dogs totally make the movie.....SQUIRREL!!...smile
Did I really just do that....?
I'm not sure I recognize myself today.
Reality pretty much sucks right now.
And that's all I have to say about that.

In other news, my sister and I are cooking up some life changing ideas for the future.... so that's pretty great.

What did you do?
I did something that hurt somebody I really care about. But for the greater good.
I'm in such a weird place right now.
You ever get tired of pretty much every aspect of your life, including yourself? Do you ever feel a need to change things?
Granted, my default setting switch is set to awesome (natch...) but I've been feeling like it's time for a bit of a change.
Spring is in the air, the sun is out. I've been...
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good luck with the dinner for the lady!!! biggrin
Turned out alright! She didn't die, so I'm calling it a win!
So in reference to music that's been happening.....if anyone cares to check any of it out, we have a few songs posted on a myspace under a tentative but most likely to change but anything we wanted wasn't available name of saint clairhurst.

I'm particularly fond of zombies!!! Check it out...
Been a while all. It was my birthday today and it was fine, I never really care about my birthday and that attitude seems to make everything work out well most years. Today was a good day, but not unlike any other. Lately me and my buddy have been recording some songs lately and we're actually coming up with some awesome stuff! He's incredibly talented...
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