Aparently my script is too angry...

And my protagonist too fucking unlikable...

I'm sorry, I thought the fucking point was to write a script about a fucked up cunt who hated the shrink-wrapped world he lived so much that he goes nuts. Then has to have a big showdown with his nuts to decide if he is just gonna be bad or good? Failing miserably...
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"But aparently no-one wants to see a film that's dark. And no-one wants to see a film where they can't 'empathise' with the main character."

This made me laugh a lot. The first film that springs to mind that fucks on this statement is American Psycho for some reason. Did reasonably well at the box office. Dark ... check. Empathise with the main character ... no.

Why not just make another Sound of Music and be done with it?
I'd like to say I was a writer with too vivid an imagination to be left alone by themselves. But the truth is I'm a 'film-maker' who doesn't really want to call himself that... Saying you are a Director, when all you make are music videos and commercials, is a bit like saying you're an actor, yet you've only been in porn movies... All are...
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Is the pope German? But first you need a good plot...
Excellent link!