Hey folks....hapy holidays to you, I am in my jam space...drinking scotch and enjoying the end of holiday kaos...you guys rock....all the best and good times in the new year smile
awwww blush thanks!

I'm shooting another attempt this weekend smile
Hi, I was just wondering why you wanted into SGBC?!
periods of rain and rain for xmas here in raintown.... i want to go back to the kootnays... its snowing up there. I am currently being driven nuts by my mother... she is a peice of work...lets just say we have a love/not so love relationship. My brother and sister live way far away from here, i can think of one good reason why!!
ROFL...dude your comment nearly made me piss myself laughing.

But uh...yeah I'll have to try that wink

Mmmm... Scotch! I had plenty tonight... on the house! Woo hoo!
Little bit of a delay, i just got back from the kootnays.... very pretty indeed, we're gonna live there one day....i think i lost some of my hearing last night, we went to see the RIDERS ON THE STORM, the 2 remaining members of the doors...it was fun, a little tired at times, these guys are getting pretty old but there was moments where the...
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i just spent 500 bucks on a new super sweet 60 gig ipod....im in love, this thing is soooo nice, its got all of my music and pics on it...its very cool... porta-slideshow-fun!!!! i put it on credit of course so now i am on a serious spending freeze.... no more money bye-bye...save save save!!
Ya know, I was just thinking about driving across Canada next summer, and for sure I'll have my banjo with me... wink

Hey, you might be the one to ask about this... I've always wanted to buy an old VW Beetle, and I've heard that BC is the place to buy 'em (no "real" winters and all). For a decent '72 - '76 Beetle (one that'll get me back to Quebec no problem!), I'd be looking at approx. how much? Just if you have an idea...
Heeelllooooo... i dont feel too bad... got a good buzz going last night for my B-day, got to sleep around 3am and got up at 8am... so, needless to say, I'm a little fried...but I had fun, hell, im equal distances from 30 and 40!! Im still on the younger side of life and definatly young at heart..... I am to chill out here in...
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well friends, its 6:45 am and at 6:58 am i turn 35.... i am thirty five....mmm..35... here i am.... today is like any other day but im now 35...huh...
Happy Birthday cutie kiss
Happy Birthday cutie kiss
we went to the alibi room here in van... a cool spot down near the train-tracks. very cool.... i had a martini and a scotch and a glass of $$ red wine.... all with a steak!!! it was very tasty...now my lady is putting our little one down to sleep.... when she returns??? a romp in the hay of course!!! i cant wait! Im so...
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I usually take Scotch straight up, but depending on the type, I find that a splash of fresh water opens the flavour up.

Comng to Montreal, huh? Cool stuff... let me know if you wanna go out for a beer (or Scotch!). wink
Happy birthday, dude!!! smile
ps... i gotta lay off the booze....my pants are getting tight!!! whatever
Awww thanks.

PS. your pants could be getting tight because you're perving on all the hot gals on this site wink
well people, i am off to a dinner date with my lady... we dont get to go out often because our live together is controled by a 5 year old and my ladies masters degree.... things are going ok though...we are doing good... I am spending a lot of time in my garage playing music and hanging out...as i will after dinner... had good sex...
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well, a little burned out tonight... played a bunch of music today, started at 1 pm pst and done at 8pm.. been going like that for days...progress made, with a healthy dose of baked noodling, and some chord charting and other stuff... working on voc harmonies...thats tough, i gotta start coming up with them myself on my guitar then teach them to the other singer......
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some how lovely Petra ended up on my friends list, Im not sure how this happened but thank you mystery force, shes has made my heart flutter more than once and shes a west coast canadian gal.... and absolutely stunningly beautiful....
Welcome, Maphew... always nice to have a new friend on the list! smile
Cool stuff... by the way, what is it with people from BC wanting to live on boats? I have an ex-girlfriend who lived in BC (not quite sure where... after breaking up, I suffer from involuntarily getting things blacked out from memory) and she went on and on about how she wanted to live on a boat.

I'm a bit of a coffee shot nut, myself, but do prefer the espresso I make at home (I also roast my own coffee).
well, i have continued to get pummeled by this mighty cold....going on 6 days now...it sure makes my voice sound cool when i sing though!!!, mabey i should start smoking again to get that great gravely voice....RIGHT! Tonight i go downtown, sick, to an old friends b-day and its quite a milestone...40! shit man, i am only 5 years away from that!!! dont worry, by...
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