Is it weird to miss things you feel like you never had in the first place?

I don't know why, but I feel like I miss being creative, but I was never too creative in the first place.

Sure, I used to edit video, but that's more of a jigsaw puzzle.

I think i want to learn how to draw, and play the piano.

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have fun with that!
it seems like one has to constantly tell them self to keep on top of thigns... even if it is things they enjoy.. why is that? its a natural need to want to expend energy

playing the piano is fun.. everything is a song... it has to be or you wouldn't be playing the piano!

Yup...time to deal, bucko! I've got a bottle of Mou-Tai to help ease the pain. smile
Well, the panic attacks are back.

Apparently I'm still so concerned about being yelled at and losing my job, thus meaning my immediate doom, hasn't been sorted out yet. It came on me so hard last night that I almost thought it was a nightmare.

But right now, I'm thinking of it like this:

I've heard that dreams are the way your head sorts things...
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you need to read tao te ching.
I remember who drew that book now, it was Drake.
So, yep, mm hmm, uh huh.

I woke up with no hangover, so I can freely talk about last night.

I ended up going out with Akira to a party occupied by Grimjack, Apocalypse_Dude and Aponia.

I ususally I don't do the social thing. I tend to wallflower and dissapear. Last night? Completely different.

Videogames, faux electro-stimulation,

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Thanks for partaking in my birfday insanity. MOOOOO-TAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!
Right, so here I be a-gain.

The following things suck:
the Suit of Pentacles
people who dont plan
warm milk
being bored by your work
heartbreakers (IRL, not movie)
corporations that abuse the 14th amendment so as to consider the corporate entity a legal person
Not having 36 hour days
Not having money
being too lazy to do anything, all day, every day....
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You are way too kind sir. smile I only wish I could get my picture on an Iams box of food or litter! tongue xo
Fuck you Nick you assed out arrogant piece of do-nothing shit.

Just because you don't stay on top of your contractors and get what you need from them like your supposed to doesn't mean that you get to boss others around and expect them to do your job for them ESPECIALLY if you got your answers from the people that you were supposed to get...
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Sounds like you could use another trip to Risque wink
Well, today was a day full of rainbows, fuzzy kitten, loving puppies, and lollipops for all children from 4 to 42.

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long story short, equipment broke, shit rolls downhill, I had to ride down 40 minutes from my work to coroporate office to be in a meeting easily doable on the phone. Now nothing is fixed but big big boss did...
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a fence was put around my back yard yesterday. very nice cedar in the front with chainlink in the back. This is worth reporting because I can now take my dog for a walk without a leash, not have a combination lock on the pool, and offer clothes-optional swimming to interested parties after dark.

And even if they'll never see it, congrats to Sam and...
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Nah, I already called "Under Your Spell" for my first dance with the future wife wink
I wrote this in another journal, but I keep coming back to it...

"Slip out the back before they know you were there..."

So I'm thinking about just what makes life worth living. Not in a negative, suicidal point of view, but from a social worldview. Is it money? Is it a job? Is it connections with others?

I personally don't think that it's money....
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hmm, well i could go on a long diatribe about this, but i'll spare you.

you'll find the answers when it's time for you to.
I feel like complete crap. I'm literally the poster boy for NyQuil. Stuffy head, cough, sore throat, etc. everything but the fever. ugh.
feel better.
Hm... I've got to start updating alot more often instead of posting everytime I go to a gentlemen's club... It does tend to make a skewed image of myself.

I went to Oasis last night to meet adult film star/director Belladonna. I was nervous as a long-tail cat in a sawmill with all the bodyguards around (i tend to make rookie mistakes when around people...
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