C14, night #2. All of the bands were amazing. Iris is fucking AWESOME. I think we played well, however, if one were to judge it based upon CD and t-shirt sales, we sucked the big one. Oh well, maybe people will remember our performance and buy some tomorrow at the vending event...
Thanks for the add! Nothing beats a good live show. Hope you did better with your sales! biggrin
C14 in a week... check. Work is busy... check. Marriage going ok? check. Crew playing great? CHECK.

All is fairly well here. How'sa you?
ugh. my marriage is disintegrating. this is hard, folks, very hard to go through. on top of that I'm switching fields and as i transition I'm working part time doing the IT work that I will eventually be doing full time in two weeks. Life is stressful right now... frown
OK, the secret is out there... Faded Sympathy will be playing at Convergence 14 In August 2008. more details at Convergence 14 Ybor Florida Homepage. Tampa Florida, with Voltaire and others to be announced. This is freaking HUGE!
Did you know Dru from This Ascension had another project? Mirabilis.
Hey there cow town guy so you'll be up my way for convergence? That's cool You know I'm from cow town too.... some place in the land that is ohio. smile
time flies, things change... life moves on. didn't get the manager position that was posted, the new band i was excited about wilted away like a sad flower, but new things are always around every corner... to quote Nickel Creek, "only the curious have something to find..."
way behind at posting again, i suck at it. management job still going well, all is well in fact as my beloved columbus crew keeps on gaining ground in the eastern division of MLS.
So.... I have been incredibly busy lately and I haven't been able to keep up with all the people on my friends list, and this is my attempt to say hello and find out how everyone is doing! I hope that you are well, and feel free to drop me a line sometime.. I'll try not to take so long in writing back this time!

whew, time still flies. I'm now in a management position at the chiropractor's office I work for. The band is still busily demoing. Vacation in the land of SG is fast approaching, still uncertain of the schedule for Convergence 13 while I'm there, so... plans are up in the air.
i love bassguitar
wow, time flies. work is about to take up more of my life, we are opening a west virginia office on Monday, and I get to be the biller for a while. It will be ok, an extra 5 hours a week won't kill me.. just sitting here waiting for the band to arrive.
hello new friend.
Hi friend! Thanks for requesting me!

kiss kiss kiss
wow, time flies by when nothing is really happening. Let's see,my band opened for Cesium 137, the mean bitch-ass overlord at work was basically forced to quit, after which it was found she had embezzled over $10,000 from the company, and my wife and i are getting along fabulously and preparing to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary on 9/16. so that's it, in a nutshell biggrin
Thanks for the comment on my set! kiss
Hello! kiss
Well well well, long time no update. Back at a job, working in billing for a chiropractor's office. Liking it so far.

The band is done recording our CD, and we have now moved into the mixing phase. So far 2/3 of the 12 songs are done. Let's hope we get the others done quickly. Still not certain if we want to keep looking for...
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Merry Christmas!!! kiss