Hey all! I’m going to make this one short but sweet. The best gift I’ve gotten was this book, which my current partner got for me last Christmas. It isn’t much but it was the first time someone had gotten me something that was true to my creepy- girl true- crime- obsessed interests, rather than something a “normal girl” would like and the gift expressed
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Happiness is when ur friends understand u!
I've been to this brewery, and the one in Las Cruces as well!

I haven’t been feeling creative lately, luckily I found a Q&A online that helped with this weeks homework! @missy @rambo

1. Do you like blue cheese? I love it! As dressing, dips, even in olives 🤤

2. Coke or Pepsi? I don’t drink sodas, but I’ll go for a sparkling water now and then

3. Do you own a gun? I do not. My 90lbs
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This is so awesome! I love getting to know people beyond their beauty 🥰 also.. I’m stealing this questionnaire 😂
THANKS FOR taking the time to let us get to know you better

It’s been an incredibly long time since I’ve done an SG Homework so I hope I still know how. My dumbest injuries have come from falling whilst drunk. Not pictured is the time I drank half a bottle of vodka, tried roller skating (why did NO ONE stop me?) and gashed my knee open. This gnarly bruise came from after a night of having a
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Those are the ones that seem to hurt more later, like they make up for not being fully felt right away. This whole piece made me smile, thanks for sharing.
Note: ALL of the following involved girls. :p    Let's see...(1) Almost lost the tip of my finger in a door; (2) Hole in the head requiring stitches; and...(3) fractured my foot going to class.