I had a dream a coulpe off nights ago where
I double crossed John Travoltia and the rest of
my merchanary squad with the help of Micheal
Clark Duncan.

In your face suckaaaa's.
Wait....he really lives in a place called ASHland?
I been getting double teamed by Vegans lately.
I don't know why it bothers me but it seem to be
the only thing that people around me are talking
about lately. I stll don't think a cows life is more
important than and insects.

I bought a 15 hunderd dollar computer for $450
at a pawn shop.
I'm going crazy with out my own computer
Will post some painting later,.
I;ve had a rough last two days money wise.
Sorry about this I hate to whine about moneys
so the list will be very short and to the point.
~Yesterday my laptop of 7 months turn off
by itself and never turned back on,

~My truck needs a new transmisson.

~This one is not money related but pisses
me off none the less. When I...
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Got the new
White Stripes CD Get behind Me Satan
I really like it.
I also really liked that it was only 9 bucks
that's F-ing sweet.

Oh you lucky bastard.mad

The Spunks are fun. Check 'em out.
omigod. my list of things that piss me off are endless. those are some good ones tho.
and nice mr T painting. he always makes the day brighter.
If money talks I'm a mime.
If time is money I'm outa time.

You need to understand now
I'm a man not a Disco ball.

I can't sit down cause I'm a dancer
and you know I'm the answer.
I've been playing the cutest MMORPG
and it's making me sick.
So enjoy. Maplestory
I wish I would see a bigfoot.
That Sasquatch for the science buffs.

yeah. i ventured out of my house at around 5 and even then i was hit with a wall of heat. what the fuck is up with this shit
500 mile is a long, long, long, long way in a car.
I hate driving long distances in other people's cars
them never ever seem to be comfortable.
I think that ALL just gets writing off as the lesser parts
of the DESENDENTS and that's bunk house buck.
I think that they are much better and the topics that
they sing about seem more life...
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