Hey there handsome!! I just had to say I love your new profile pic.  And that I read your most recent blog post, and I'm really sorry your boss is making you kinda bummed with your job.  It sucks when you have a boss who's immature. I've dealt with a few of them. But hopefully with you changing the hours you work there, you'll be more happy and have to see her less.  Lots of love bestie ❤❤❤😘😘

Thanks so much! Yeah I've changed my hours to where I only see her once a week but even then it's still a hassle. It's much better than before it's just that she makes it so hard to enjoy what I do. When I go in i'm automatically put on cleaning duty for an exhibit that's already been cleaned and when I tell her it's already been cleaned I get the "do it anyway" speech.  At least I don't have to see her all that often so it's not that big of a deal. Thanks for the love on my selfie lol and it's great to hear from you again I hope things are going well???? @chelseadager
Bosses like that suck. I had a boss who was like a year or two younger than me, and he constantly would hit on me at work. Especially after he found out I was going to be modeling for SG. And once I made it clear that I had a boyfriend and that fact wasn't going to change, he cut my hours to one shift a week. And of course! Your selfie is awesome :) things are... going ha ha. Not as well as I would like them to, but it'll get better eventually. I'm out of work, and my boyfriend's hours have been cut pretty bad. Besides that my biggest concern now is that I have to be awake in less than 4 hours to go with a friend to her photos hoot, and I haven't slept yet lol. @kyloren_sith

Thanks for the love on my debut set, bestie!!! I'm so so SO glad you liked it!!! And I definitely may or may not have my second set already lined up ....  :P ;) xoxo P.s. I'm glad you love working at the museum! I'm so proud of you!!!!! *lots of hugs* xoxoxoxo 

It's really great it truly is! There are a few annoying people who come in who sort of put a damper on it (we had one dude who almost wrecked on of the artifact displays) but it's really a rewarding job. :) thank you so much! *Hugs* @chelseadager

Hey bestie! ♡♡ So I recently had the pleasure of purchasing my first two comic books EVER. The DC Bombshells issues 11 & 12. And now I wish I had them all. Haha. Was wondering if you've read them! Also, how are you?! I've been kinda MIA for a while, so it's hard for me to catch up with everyone. Xoxo

Awww sorry to hear that! As for your set i'm excited to see it and don't worry we all do that. I don't take selfies because I point out every fucking flaw in the damn world on my face.  I think we all do it so no worries there, i'm sure your set will be awesome!  I'm also sure your life will work out because eventually it all straightens out. At least that's been my experience. Whenever things get really dark eventually we come out the other end @chelseadager
Thanks @kyloren_sith ! That's true, it'll work itself out eventually <3 <3 Yep, that definitely rings true with me about selfies. I think I take a minimum of like 6 before I get one I'll consider posting. 

From dizzy


Why'd you delete the thread? It had potential.

Nobody was posting on it. I'm a member of a few forum sites and usually if nobody comments on your thread within a couple hours it's a dead thread. I can repost it up though if you want to see it back up there! :D  P.S thanks for the follow back. 
People are pretty meh when it comes to participation as a whole on this site. *shrug*

😊💜thank you for following me

Oh good it actually went through!!! You're Very Welcome!!!!! It wouldn't let me follow you today for some weird reason lol :P Anyhow you're welcome and I can't wait to see a set! @buttercups

So, I caught part of an interesting TV show on Channel 10 this morning and thought that you'd find it interesting: NOVA - Vikings Unearthed. The show followed the Vikings from Europe to North America. A lot of archaeology, including the use of satellite imagery to help find potential dig sites. Here's a link to the online video... http://www.pbs.org/video/2365709061/

You're very welcome. I know the archaeology bit is a sore spot with your dad, but I always think it's best to do what makes you happy. That's the encouragement I got from my folks. I think it's a shame that some parents don't think that way. But, do what makes you happy, because it's not living if you don't.
@DEADGUITARIST he's softened a bit on it. He doesn't like it but he understands he can't stop me from going for what I want to go for. I just think he's happy i'm in college. I'm actually getting two degrees one in business and then another in Anthropology to go into archaeology. He's softened a bit but still not happy lol.  Thanks again for the link so far the video is amazing man! 

I really like your profile pic. What's it from?

You're welcome man! He does commissions too I believe. He came out to Vegas Wizard World last month (that redheaded chick i'm holding in one of my blog posts represented his table) and his art is just sick. He takes everything no matter what it is and turns it into a 1940's style pinup. He's a great artist here's his Deviantart.   http://despop.deviantart.com/
Some really cool stuff in there. Thanks for the link.

From anarra


I just stopped by to say thanks for the follow! :kisses:

You're very welcome. Thank you for the follow back :kisses back: @DeviantRed

From cattleya


Good evening hun. I hope you had a wicked week. Thanks for the follow!! 😙 

No problem!!! =D and my week was pretty good I hope yours was equally as awesome and epic!!!!! @cattleya