Currently listening to: Cole Miller Island "This Is The Night"...

Good couple of days... sleep pattern is slowly returning to "normal" (because I don't really do anything - couple of days working at a crappy part-time job aside - my sleep pattern has never been entirely normal, whatever normal may be (if normal does indeed exist))... no more super-strange dreams, anyway (which isn't really a...
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Sleep is a necessity, that is for sure!

As far as the two bands go, what category of music do they fall under ?
where have you been?
My sleep pattern isn't quite back to normal - I'd prefer to be in bed asleep right now, but I tried that and it didn't work... so I'm once again sat in front of my prone-to-fucking-up computer, listening to "Wasted & Ready" (absolutely brilliant song), teeth freshly brushed, knowing that in twelve hours or so I'll be purchasing Sufjan Steven's new album, knowing that in...
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"Well maybe it's time I messed myself"

Another classic Life On A Stick quote - I just looked it up, and apparently only five of the episodes aired in the US... they made thirteen, so I guess we get them all... shown in the 3:30-4:30 a.m. slot, when only can't-sleep losers like me are awake and watching television.

Right now - Minutemen "Double Nickels On...
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"The man who beat off crabs"

This sleeplessness thing has some major drawbacks - mostly involving intense headaches, but also, insanity - as evidenced by the fact that I'm starting to really get into some sitcom called Life On A Stick... some US import centred around a hot dog emporium, and the usual friends and family dynamic. The above quote is from the episode I've...
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It's all part of being british - complaining, no one in this country is ever happy. We moan when it's too cold, we moan when it's too warm, we just moan like it was an olympic sport biggrin

Insomnia is an arse - I suffer from it sometimes and sadly there's not much you can do about it (other than banging our head off the wall until you pass out wink )
My computer is acting up again (for the umpteenth time)... damn thing is driving me crazy.

Currently, I'm putting on the coffee (whilst typing this entry and listening to Ben Kweller's "Sha Sha"), facing a potentially unpleasant day... because it's twenty past five, and I've been awake since yesterday... and already I'm feeling the effects. Actually, that's something of a surprise, since I've only been...
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Was supposed to be catching a train to Lancaster tonight, but that was dependent on the Thanksgiving gig ending as advertised (it was supposed to be 6:30-9:00). Unfortunately, a venue change and late start scuppered my plans, and I may have to get up early tomorrow instead (luckily for me, an early morning is pretty much the greatest hardship I have to face, and for...
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Still the same day... excess blogging... about to embark on what could technically be called a holiday... although five days in Lancaster, crashing at a friends place, probably doesn't compare to the thoughts running through my head about this summer... that said, it will make for a nice change of scenery, and will be an opportunity to catch up with a friend I don't see...
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Waking up to news of mass chocolate burials... closing the day (now it's technically over!) to the sound of Mission Of Burma's new album...

...this weekend has been slightly clouded by the tiredness/weariness Im currently suffering from as much as I love summer (because non-stop rain is always a sure-fire mood destroyer), it has its drawbacks. Mainly: it gets lighter earlier, and for unknown (possibly...
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Pretty much just got in from going to see Thank You For Smoking... I heard about it a while back, and it piqued my interest then, but tonight I wasn't looking forward to seeing it that much... I was wrong to feel that way though, it was an impressive film, very funny in places, would definitely recommend seeing it, if you can find the time......
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It's so disappointing that what had started out as an unbelievably good summer, weather-wise, especially for England, has gone entirely downhill... especially since weather conditions seem to affect my mood - it's hard to be enthusiastic about being outside when the rain is pouring down, or even falling down gently, and so I withdraw, staying shut up indoors, away from life itself... on Saturday, it...
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thanks for wanting to be my friend. you are adoreable..
Writing is so often painful, and not always from an emotional perspective - should blogs ever require any great amount of craft, or does that just amount to overthinking things? Can you ever put too much thought into anything? (bearing in mind we only use 10% of our brains as it is). I write this after a few false starts, notes and sentences scrawled on...
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