working. it's starting to turn into a foreign concept for me.

i guess i did get a couple of calls for sound engineering, and i've got some gigs coming up playing so it's not horribly bad.

but it's still boring the shit out of me and i need something else.
un-employment... it sucks

except for the fact that i get to spend all my time putting together my new garden and getting pre-production for my new album happening.

oh, and job hunting. yeah that thing... jobs... if only i could get $100k out of nowhere so that i wouldn't have to worry about work for a while...

to keep myself occupied i started blogging again....
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Thanks for the tip! I am leaning towards Commonwealth at the moment!

Any leads on the Job hunt?
Is the job market rough at the moment?
escaped from japan and back in oz.

brand new house with a music studio but still un-employed.

at least here i can get social benefits here.
You left?
finally got a job. not the one i wanted but it'll have to do for now just to pay the bills. it'll start making things a bit easier.

off to the old town of asakusa today to show one of my friends around. hopefully i can do it all on the cheap. that place tends to get expensive with all the good food and snacks...
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congrats on the job! lucky!
i'm now a registered foreigner, i've found all the cheep places to do my shopping and i'm waiting for a call back about that job...

maybe it's time to start thinking about my escape plan incase things don't work out. i've got a couple of options up my sleeve so it'll all boil down to picking the right one at the right time.

well, it's...
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hate having to wait for a phone call to find out my job interview result.
i don't know if i should start looking for more shit or just wait...
damn sundays...
it always helps to rock up to a job interview on the right day.

luckily i turned up 24hours too early for mine. fucking wasted Y800 on train rides...

now i have to go do it all again today. i love peak hour trains in japan. tongue
my dream job exists in japan. and i get to go for an interview with one of the major companies that does it.

if i get the job you'll hear all about it in detail because right now i need to try and get to sleep so that i can wake up in time to get to the interview.

game face is on mad
i'm unemployed, i've got no money, yet i keep drinking with the other residents of this crazy house.

if things don't change fast i'll have to move onto my backup deportation plan sooner than i thought. i really hope it don't come to that. its going to be a pain in the ass to carry out this time of the year in japan. so cold...
finally in japan, and finally back online.

i've moved into my new place, a friend donated a phone to me and i'm unemployed.

i did have an interview at a place that i really want to work at behind the bar though.

and i went to my first proper japanese hard core cocktail bar thing tonight. fuck, what happens at these bars are nothing like...
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Wow you're finally there, looking forward to hearing about all your exploits!
decided it's time to get a new camera. was going to do the whole duty free thing and avoid paying tax for it, but it turns out they're cheeper in japan anyway so i'm just going to wait till i get there instead.

with other purchases i got my hands of a program called Max/MSP. it's fucked.

it's the most insane thing out there for...
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all this packing is giving me the shits.

things that i'm taking isn't an issue because i'm starting from scratch. it's all the shit that i'm keeping behind that's causing problems.

i'd rather just back a truck up and take it all to the tip. throw it all out.

ah, just want it to be easier...

still need to sort out my insurance
check-in baggage70kg7
